Summer 2020 Is HERE! Your One Stop Place For It All
Summer 2020 is FINALLY here! I’ve got you covered with schdeules, cleaning, travel, gardening, and family fun. This is your one stop place for it all.
Let’s all shout and cheer! We have made it to SUMMER 2020! Did you think it would ever come? There were times I certainly did not. But here we are, staring straight into summer 2020. Let the party begin! 🙂
I thought this would be a perfect time to put all of my summer blog posts together for you all in one spot. Sweettt!
Here you will find posts about:
- Schedules
- Chores/cleaning
- Trips
- DIY Outside Things
- Gardening
- Family Fun
Having a schedule can be a huge game changer for you and your family. It has been for us. Since we have been in quarantine we have, mostly, stuck to our schedule. And we have loved it (okay, maybe me more than others…).
This will be the same for summer 2020. We will continue to have a schedule. I have adjusted our daily schedule to fit into summer 2020 better. You can get a copy here, or a blank copy here. Or block copies here and here.
- 2018 Summer Schedule
- Less Stressful Summer Part 1
- Less Stressful Summer Part 2
- Quarantine Schedule with FREE printables
Chores and Cleaning
Raise your hand if you feel like the maid in your family! You know you should all be raising your hands! Haha! At some point I am certain that you have felt that way.
Let me tell you a little secret… It doesn’t have to be that way. Just because you are the parent it doesn’t mean that all the cleaning and housework is your job.
Everyone in your household makes messes, eats food, uses the bathroom, etc. So… that means that everyone should share the responsibility to clean up the house.
Let me tell you something else that’s pretty awesome – I don’t remember the last time I cleaned a bathroom! That’s right, you read that correctly. My kiddos clean the bathrooms. And might I add that they (most of the time) like to do it. WHAT?!?!

Either my hubby or I will “help” but they do most of it by themselves. My kids that clean the bathrooms are 4, 6, and 8.
Our motto is – “You live here and we are a family that works together so everyone gets to help clean up.”
I really and truly believe that ALL people living in the house need to pull their own weight in sharing household cleaning or chores. Just be aware of your children’s age and what is or isn’t appropriate.
Here are some posts that explain how we do it at our house. And it works really well!
- Cleaning Sticks We have changed around and I put 6 sticks in each of their pockets. They can pick whatever cleaning stick they want for the day and put it back into the main pocket.
- Daily Lists These have changed since our kids are two years older, but not too much.
- Monthly Free Cleaning Challenge You can start this at any time and get your whole house in order. Summer might be a great time to back track, get your kids involved, and do the few months prior to June.
- How To Organize and Declutter Any Space
- 11 Tips When Organizing and Decluttering
Summer 2020 may or may not allow us to go on many trips. We will just have to keep waiting and see. But in case we are able to get away here are some posts about trips with your family that may be helpful.
- Camping With Kids
- 5 Things To Do At Bear Lake
- 11 Things To Do In Oahu, Hawaii
- 4 Things You Need When You Go To Disneyland
- Our First Trip To Disneyland With The Kids
- Day Trip To Thanksgiving Point
DIY Outside Things
We are hopeful that this summer we are able to get some more outdoor DIY projects completed. Yippy!! We will add more as we get things done. Until then, here is our list:
I can honestly say that one of my favorite things as the summer ends is the amazing produce we get from our backyard garden. Fresh tomatoes anyone???
Family Fun
I have a goal of having our kiddos outside as much as possible this summer. We have an amazing backyard. I want them to enjoy it as much as possible. We live in Utah, near so many amazing mountains and fun things to do outdoors.
I am excited to recover from delivery and my broken foot and GET OUTSIDE to move my body. We hope to go on hikes, visit parks (fingers crossed), go for bike rides, and play in the good old sunshine.
I’ll add things to this summer 2020 list as we experience fun things that we will hopefully do.
One thing we have done the last few summers is a Summer Bucket List. Here are some free printables to help you get yours started: here and here.
I hope you have a very fun summer 2020. Please share this on social media, that would mean the world to me. 🙂
Xxx, Steph

This is a great list to get the summer started. My daughter does a Summer Bucket List with her kids – to include a lot of what you are talking about. They look forward to it every year. So very cool. Thanks for the post.
Thanks beth! It is a fun tradition to look forward to. ☺️
Love the cleaning challenges. Motivates me to do something I don’t like doing!
That also helps me to get motivated.😊
Will be showing this to Hubby and the kids!! It’s like pulling teeth in my house to get chores done!
It can be so hard. Set it up and make it a habit/routine. 😃 You got this!! Let me know if you have any questions.