
Halloween, Fall, Blogtober Oh My!

It’s October and we’re full force into Halloween. Check out LOADS of posts from October’s past as we revisit Blogtober 2018.

Happy fall and Halloween season!! I was thinking of two years ago when I did Blogtober. It is posting daily fall and Halloween content. It nearly killed me… haha

Not really, but it was tough. I thought I would share, again, because there are so many fun posts about fall and Halloween. I’m talking food, crafts, books, inspiration, and tons of fun.

Last year I did a fun Halloween craft that I want to share again. You can get it here. This year I’m going to pull out my baby food jars and let my kiddos go to town making mini versions of these.

Halloween glass jar

Enjoy Halloween and Blogtober Posts!

Day 1 was a Fall Tag from another blogger. I was able to answer 7 questions about me and fall. And I just can’t get enough of this picture. BeaUTAHful!

Day 2 With a garden full of zuchini I’m bound to bake something different than zuchini bread. Have you tried chocolate chip zuchini cookies?

Day 3  When I just had one or two or three kiddos I was more into making family themed costumes. Or even making their costumes. Lately I don’t really want to. But I still kind of do… I can’t make up my mind. Here are some sun costumes that are DIY. This little Pooh Bear is now 8 years old!!!


Day 4 Children’s books and holidays are such a fun (and dangerous) combo. Sometimes I just can’t help myself. I had lots from my teaching days. And now we usually get each kiddo a Halloween book.

We went last night and let the kids pick out their Halloween book. It was a fun family activity. Here are 5 days of Halloween books for you to look over: Day 11Day 18Day 25, and day 31.

Halloween Books

Day 5 Sometimes depression or sadness hit at the wrong time! We can’t control it. When I did Blogtober 2 years ago I had a weekend that caught me offgaurd.

Day 6 Day trip time! This little hidden park in Salt Lake Area is a bit weird, fun, and educational. You’re just going to have to check it out to see what it’s all about.

Day 7 Awhile ago I did a thing called Sunday Motivations. I found awesome motivational quotes that I shared. I brought it back for Blogtober. Here are the rest of Sunday Motivations for October: Day 14Day 21, and Day 28.

Day 8 Do you need to dress up your porch for fall or Halloween? This post will help you out. I keep adding things each year to our Halloween decortaions. I usually go hit up Target after Halloween to see what’s on sale for next year. This year I’m adding witch hats to the fun. Check them out on my IG account.

Halloween door mat
Don’t mind my cracked and pilling porch…

Day 9 I know I keep saying this buttttt fall means soup! Here is a good and easy one. Dinner in 30 minutes? Yes, please! As I was doing some meal planning last week I pulled out 5 soup recipes to make this month. Give me alllll the yummy soups. 🙂

Day 10 When I taught first grade we did A LOT of poems. I would give my students a holiday poem packet that they could keep in their book boxes. Here are a few of my favorite Halloween ones. Oh, and some free printables. You’re welcome. 🙂

Day 12 I interupt this holiday moment to bring you how I organized my freezer spur of the moment. Boy, it felt great! Do you ever just get so annoyed with a space that’s super messy? I sure did and it felt great to get it under control.

Day 13 This is a fun mini vacation. We normally go for the day. But this year we are going to stay one night in Logan, Utah. We are super excited. When Covid wasn’t around we would go to Gossners, Pepperidge Farm, the Pumpkin Walk, go out to eat, and of course visit Utah State’s Ice Cream Store. I’m not sure what we’ll end of doing this year. But it will be fun to get out of the house.

Day 15 Teal Pumpkin DIY craft project. Teal pumpkins are a sign that you have nut free candy to pass out. I thought for sure we would pass out candy this year and go trick or treating. But I’m not sure what we will end of doing.


Day 16 I have talked about my lack of cookie making abiltities. However, these cookies are always a win in my house. They turn out great. There are soooo many different options. And I could (and have) eaten all but a few in less than 24 hours….

Pumpkin Spice Chip Cookies

Day 17 Growing up we would always carve pumpkins. With my littles and my anxiety I just don’t want to… haha! Luckyly there are a few fun ways you can decorate pumpkins that don’t involve a knife.

Day 19 Anyone else get stressed or maybe depressed when the holidays roll around? You may have some unwanted and possibly confusing feelings. Holudays may be a mental health trigger for you (and here). This post can help you prepare and make the best out of it.

Day 20 I am pretty sure you will be able to find some fun and free activities around your neck of the woods. Take a look around your city and let’s find some fun things you can do with your littles around this fun filled holiday.


Day 22 It’s always such a good feeling to have someone say something nice about you. I was shocked and surprised when I was awarded the Sunshine Blogger award. Here is my post about it. What a great experience. 

Day 23 A few years ago we started to do a Halloween themed dinner. It’s such a blast. Here is a cake you can do that’s easy and fool proof. Just what we need, more sugar. Haha!

Day 24 This super fun and easy Halloween garland is one of my favorite Halloween DIY crafts I did years ago. Then it got an upgrade when a mouse felt it was okay to run around and poop in one of our Halloween tubs.

After I washed it it was all snarling. So I had to cut the garland apart and sew it back together again. This time I sewed through the sides that didn’t get sewn last time. It makes it easier to stay together.


Day 26 As a mental health blogger I really feel it’s important to be honest about the good and the bad. This mental health post is a bit random but it all comes together in the end. Sometimes we need random to help our life make sense. And a break from blogtober. 

Day 27 Day or half day trips are always a blast. This one we did with family and want to go again, maybe next year without Covid (fingers crossed!). And when Eddy doesn’t have to work.


Day 29 Oh my I was just thinking about this the other night! A lesson in service and family was definitely learned that evening.

Day 30 I already mentioned that we started a Halloween themed dinner. You can get all fancy or just get a bit spooky. 🙂 Either is fun.

Halloween Themed Dinner

I really love this time of year. The leaves are beautiful, the weather is crisp, and the holidays are coming fast. I hope you are able to enjoy this Halloween season this year.

It might look different than in years past but you will still make it fun and enjoyable. Thanks for reliving blogtober with me, again. Maybe next year I’ll be crazy enough to give it a try.

I’d love to see and hear about some of your fall/October/Halloween traditions. Comment away in the comments. 

Xxx, Steph

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  1. What a fantastic blog, some great Halloween ideas here. I’m in the uk and we don’t have any colour for nut ect free sweets. I think that’s something that is missed but then it’s not a big celebration here in the UK as it is in america.

  2. Oh my gosh, I love all the fall fun you guys are having!
    For our fall traditions, my sister and I usually drive a few hours north to pick apples. But this year, due to COVID, we kept it closer to home and did a corn maze and played in a sunflower field!
    We also do a big pumpkin carving party every year! This year we have a kitten, so I’m curious to see how she behaves with the PUMPKIN GUTS!
    Happy Fall!

    1. Pumpkin guts.. love it! I’ve wanted to take my kids to pick apples, just haven’t gotten around to it. I bet the sunflower field was fun. Good luck with your carving party.

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