4 Last Minute St. Patrick’s Day Ideas To Create Lasting Fun
St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner. Here are 4 last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas that will create family or school fun.
Even though St. Patrick’s Day is just a few short days away you can still have a great day with your family and friends. Keep reading to see my 4 last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas that will be sure to create fun and lasting memories.
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You may be thinking, why should I care? What does this have to do with me? If you know children, someone that is a child at heart, or anyone who likes to celebrate than keep reading.
It doesn’t take a lot to make some special memories for children. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money. In fact you might be able to find most everything around your house. In the past St. Patrick’s Day seemed to sneak up on us. Eddy and I will just be about ready to head upstairs to get ready for bed and we remember that the naughty little leprechaun needs to come visit. By doing these few things you will be ready in just a little amount of time.
4 last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas
As promised here are 4 last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas that will make you the seen and unseen hero. We need to give some credit to that little leprechaun. 😊

Idea 1: Print Up My Free Treasure Hunt
Treasure hunts can be so much fun to make and participate in. This free St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt is premade for you AND has a blank option. You can create one that works for you and your home. Also, included are some color pages. You can add them in the treasure hunt or print them off for idea number 3.
My free treasure hunt can be set up in a few minutes. Or you can print off multiple pages of the blank templete and create a longer treasure hunt. Whatever you have at the end of your treasure hunt is up to you. Here are a few ideas, keeping with the 4 last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas:
- color pages (included in the free treasure hunt printable)
- a homemade or store bought treat
- supplies to make a treat together
- St. Patrick’s Day book for your classroom library or home library
- supplies to make Leprechaun traps
- art project for your students or kids to do
- a box of Lucky Charms
Have I conviced you to download my free St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt yet? If so, click the button below.
Idea 2: Let Your Kiddos Make Last Minute Leprechaun Traps
Watching my kids get creative with whatever supplies we have found around the house if FUN! You really don’t need to go out and buy things to make traps. My kids have used:
- old cardboard: TP rolls, tissue boxes, cereal boxes
- glue
- cotton balls
- random paper
- markers
- coins
- Lucky Charms cereal as a trail to their trap
- tape
- straws
See? All things that you have around your house, with the expection of Lucky Charms. When the kids go to bed we have the Leprechaun set off the traps and leave chocolate around the house and their traps. And also make a mess of some things: chairs, couch cusions, footprints, dying the tolet water and milk green, and other fun shinagaings. Is your Leprechaun naughty or nice? Or maybe a little of both…
Let your kids or students gather supplies and go to town on their traps. Finding gold chocolate coins is hard to do last minute. So when I haven’t planned very well I have bought fake coins, green plastic bead necklaces, or other chocolate. The kids don’t care too much. They just love the experience of it all.
Idea 3: Color, Paint, Create
There are so many fun St. Patrick’s Day crafts, art projects, and coloring pages you can have your students or children do. Pinterest is a gold mine, haha, no pun intended! Head to the dollar store to see what fun art kits they have in stock for St. Patrick’s Day. If you are needing last minute St. Patrick’s Day ideas then print off my color pages.
Other fun and quick ideas:
- Tape 4 toilet paper roll tubes together to make a shamrock. Dip in paint and paint shamrocks on paper, butcher paper, or poster board. You can add a stem by hand.
- Do the same above but use green chalk powder and mix with water, bring the fun outsdie.
- Take chalk and make rainbows, pots of gold, shamrocks, and try your hand at Leprechauns.
- Last month I wrote about a Valentine’s Day heart that I did with my students back in my teaching days. It was always a blast. Do the same thing but draw a shamrock instead of a heart. The details of the Heart Art by Jim Dine is about half way down in my 5 Last Minute Valentine’s Day Ieas. I’m seeing a theme… haha
- Let your students or children create their own shamrocks and “Shamrock Attack” someone you love.
- Rock painting! Go on a hunt to find some good rocks to paint. After they are washed and dried let your students or kiddos paint St. Patrick’s Day themed rocks.
- Rip or cut up color pieces of paper and glue into a rainbow
- Make a rainbow out of food for a snack or meal

Idea 4: Get Creative With Lucky Charms
Have you seen the St. Patrick’s Day Lucky Charms?!?! I knew I should have snagged a box the first time I saw them. I don’t think there will be any the next time I go to the store. The Lepreuchan usually leaves a box of Lucky Charms for our kiddos. 🙂 The following is a list of things you can do with the cereal, you know besides eating it.
- Sort the marshmallows
- Count how many of each type of marshmallows
- Graph the marshmallows by type
- Get straws and a piece of cereal of your choosing to have a race with. Everyone starts at one side of the table or ground. Put the straw in your mouth and the piece of cereal on the table or ground in front of the straw. At the same time start blowing the cereal to the end line.
- Write or share a made up story about the cereal pieces
- Get glue, cereal, and paper – create a cereal piece of art
- Pour a big bowl of Lucky Charms and ENJOY!

Last Minute St. Patrick’s Day Ideas Conclusion
There you have it! 4 easy and quick ideas to help you and your family or students have a great time this St. Patrick’s Day! Remember that all of these ideas can be done fast and you don’t have to put a ton of time to plan and prepare. When you take a few minutes to do something speical your littles will notice and have a great time.
Also remember that you don’t need to do everything here! You can pick and choose the ideas you think you can accomplish without stressing you out. You can pick one thing from each idea. Or simply pick one idea.
I hope you have a fun St. Patrick’s Day, even if you leave things to the last minute. You can have some stress free fun! Don’t forget to grab your free Treasure Hunt Download. Click on the green button below.