September 2019 Goals and August Recap
September is here and that means i get to share my work and personal September 2019 goals!! What are your goals? Do you do yearly or monthly goals?
Goal time!! It’s September 2019 goal time! I have some good ones for you! Do you have some good ones for yourself? If not, then get thinking of at least 1-2 September 2019 goals.
I have mixed feelings coming into a new month. The last two months were very productive as far as getting things done around my house and on the blog. But with some other work goals that are kind of big I need to step back from the blog and just post once a week for a bit.
It is hard because I have so many things I want to write and post about. There are times when I think to myself that duh, I can still do it all! But, I’m not being honest with myself.
I need to do what’s best for me and my future business. And that’s going a little slower here and pick up some speed on another project. When I’m ready I will share my new project with you. Heck, I’ll scream it from the mountain tops!
Until then I’m going to scream out my September 2019 goals for you instead. They may not be as exciting but come one month from now…
Personal Goals- August 2019
- Food Trackers
- Living Room
- Storage Room
- Family Room
Food Trackers
I don’t think I would have been successful if I hadn’t printed up a months through of food tracker pages. That was THE game changer right there. Printing them up for the month and hanging on the side of my fridge. They were in a place that I could see them but not in everyone’s face.

Living Room
I may have left this room for last but it got done. The last Saturday in August my sweet kiddos and I blasted music and got to it. Conveniently Eddy was at work… haha!
I knew this would be a room with very little effort so I picked a day that Eddy would be gone. There are plans for two of the walls. I knew I wouldn’t get around to them so they will be a project for another day. 🙂 And I wanted to spend zero bucks on this space. Mission achieved!
Storage Room
If I’m being honest, which I always want to be… then this was one space I WAS NOT looking forward to. I didn’t want to take everything out. I didn’t want to clean it out. And I really didn’t want to give it love. Boy, oh boy! Am I glad that I did!

Over a few days and times of being able to work on the storage room the effort really paid off. And the best part was that we only bought two things. Two storage shelves… It could have cost of $0 but the $70 we spent on bigger, better, and more sturdy shelves was well worth it.
Family Room
Ok, you guys! I guess the theme of this month is big spaces and little money! Because, again, we didn’t spend any money in the family room. Not yet… All of the organizing and decorating things were things that we had already. Someday I want some artwork on the walls. Someday…

September 2019 Goals
Personal Goals
- Outside Furniture Goal
- Be Happy Trackers
- Kitchen
Outside Furniture Goal
I have got to get this project done! It’s only been two years since I started it. Can see my huge eye roll through the screen??!! I really don’t know what was holding me back from finishing it. Everything I need is either in my garage, shed, or basement.

ARG! Do you have something that you just keep procrastinating? It’s the worse! I have tried grouping this project with my yard goal a few times. That didn’t seem to help. So for my September 2019 goals I got smarter. It is getting it’s own goal! Stay tuned to see what my project is. 🙂
Be Happy Trackers
I am coming back to my Be Happy Trackers because I have gotten way off track with this goal. And it’s time to start back at it again. If you don’t know what my Be Happy trackers are they are a form that I fill out every night.
They help me to make a daily goal or intention, keep track of my mental status, write a few quick things that happened that day, and lastly a place to write what I did for me.

To help me get back in the habit of filling them out nightly I am going to print off a month’s worth of daily trackers and put a reminder in my phone. Wish me luck! How are you at writing about your day quickly before you go to bed?
I am so very excited and also not excited at all about tackling my kitchen. There are some pretty messy cupboard and spaces in my kitchen. All the more reason why I need to get at it!

This is going to be a big project so this is my only house goal this month. I also feel like I need to write a better detailed plan of each space that needs attention (spoiler alert… it’s the whole kitchen…) and set mini weekly goals.
Do you want to tackle your kitchen with me this month? If so, then follow along with me on my Instagram account where I will give you mini goals to work on and sneak peak updates.

Work Goals
Besides my kitchen I feel like my personal goals are not going to take very long. This is a good thing because my work goals are pretty hefty! Hefty in how many I have and what will be involved with each of them. But, with luck I can get them done!
- Blog posts done by September 10th
- Secret Project
- 30 Day Blogging course
- Pinterest pins on past blog posts
- Plan and prepare half of October blog posts
Why am I planning so much of my blog posts in September and October? We have a family vacation planned and I want to spend more time with my family during the vacation. 🙂 And I want to get ahead and be more on the ball.
So, tell me, what are you working on for September 2019 goals? Or maybe any goal you are working on?