November 2020 Goals
Montly goals are back after a few months of a break. Here are my November 2020 goals. And as always a monthly tip to help with your goals.
Well hello there goals! It’s been a hot minute since I have made and written about my monthly goals. Things just kind of blew up when we started to homeschool. But I’m back with my November 2020 goals!
Life got hectic and most things came to a stand still. But, guess what, that’s okay. I was very much in survival mood. It needed to happen so I didn’t totally and competely lose my mind. Just lost a part of it… 😉
Let’s start with a recap of the last month I did goals, August 2020…

- Budget With Eddy (surprise, surprise…haha)
- Family Room
- Pictures on Phone
Budget With Eddy
We started the month with a budget but never got around to going over our spending at the end of the month. Nor did we set a budget for September. Or October…
What we did was go over our spending super quickly August, September, and October. We wanted to know how much we could move into our different savings accounts: car fund, travel fund, savings, etc.
Family Room
We did a family cleaning morning. Everyone had walls, couches, fan, baseboards, carpet, toys, or books to clean or organize. When you get the whole family involved it can get crazy but also get done faster.
Things we still want to do: replace the blinds with curtains (make it easier to keep clean) and hang a few pictures on the walls.
Pictures on Phone
Oh my gravy boat! I have So. Many. Pictures. It’s acutally kind of embarrsing how many videos and pictures are on my phone. I really wanted to get in a good habit of going through them. But life happens and I don’t get to it.
November 2020 Goals

November 2020 Goals: Personal
- Budget with Eddy
- Chirstmas
- Pictures on Phone
Budget with Eddy
After a few months of a “break” we are going to get back on track, right in time for Christmas. Ha! We had to go through our budget this month because a few things have changed and we needed to adjust to make our budget better for us.
I know, I know Christmas is not this month. But I want to get allllll of our shopping done this month. I want to have everything planned and as ready as I can get it. This will help with my holiday stress. Fingers crossed!
Eddy and I will go on a shopping date in hopes of getting everything we need for our kiddos. We look forward to it and have a fun time.

How do you Christmas shop? All year long? Right before Christmas? A good mix?
Speaking of getting ready for Christmas I have a treat for you, a Holiday organzing Prinable Binder. Click here to take a look at this amazing binder.
Pictures on Phone
Okay, I’m going to give this one more chance. I know I can do it. I know I can do it. Positive thoughts can help. But only so far. I am going to make a plan to work on going through pictures when I’m nursing and alone with my baby.
My goal is to be able to download my pictures on my computer and upload Instagram videos. As of know there are too many to do either of these things. I may need to invest in my cloud storage…
November 2020 GOAL: WORK
- Weekly Schedule: A few weeks ago I made a weekly schedule for myself with work tasks. Each day I have tasks that I want to get done. If I have extra time there is always more to do. But this way I am able to feel accomplished if I get the few tasks done for each day. It’s been working great.
- Blog Posts: Now that I have daily goals to get done I’m hoping to be able to stay caught up and possibl get ahead with writing posts.
- Shop: I have a goal of how much I would like to sale this month in my shop. Plus a few other goals, stay tuned. 🙂
Tip of the Month
The tip this month is to start small after you have taken a break. It doens’t matter if the break was intended or because you might break if you didn’t let something go.
For the past few months I needed to let something go, making goals was one of them. Do I feel guilty for not making goals? No. Do I wish I had made monthly goals? No.
I truly have loved having monthly goals. There have been many positive things come out of making monthly goals. I have grown as a person, accomplished a lot, held myself more accountable, and felt good about myself.
With that being said, there are going to be times that you need to step back and take a break. IT’S OKAY!!! When you are ready to sart making goals again, start small.
Start out small after a break.
You don’t need to be a super hero. I picked goals that I was already thinking about, have started, or that are easy to do for my November 2020 goals.
This year I have included a tip of the month for each of my goal posts. Here they all are to help you make the best of your goals.
Thank you for letting me share my November 2020 goals with you. I hope you can see the value in making and working on goals – large or small. Good luck and have a great time achieving something awesome this month.