Let’s Plan For A Great Year
FREE Printables! This year I am starting out the MOST organized in my life. I want you to also have a great start to your year and have a plan to follow.
Sometimes planning and being positive can go a long way in the outcome of things. Sure, crappy things will still happen. Your plans may get derailed or paused. The more you are prepared to begin with I truly believe the faster you will pick yourself up and keep moving along. So let’s plan for a great year!
Goal or Word for the year
So many people make new year resolutions. Others pick a word for the year to be their motivation. What ever you do is awesome. I picked a word half way through last year and didn’t do much with it. I have done resolutions and they always fizzle out.
So this year I am going to take it a month at a time! That seems less daunting and stressful. I can do something for 30 days much more successfully then for 365 days.
January has been kind of a wash (darn sickness!!). My plan is to make the most of the last week and a half with my work goals. Oh my goodness!! Guess what song just came up on my Pandora station?! The Fight Song/Amazing Grace by The Piano Guys. That’s just perfect! I will fight and NOT let things get in the way of my goals and dreams. 🙂

Then starting in February I will start the month with my goals. Check out this post to read more about how I will be making my goals. I sure hope I can stick to them better and be successful by doing this.
Whatever you decide to do (word for the year, new year resolutions, or monthly goals) write them down and put them up so you see them on a daily basis.
Organize your life
Some people are more organized then others. For some it is just their nature. And for others this is going to be HARD! But when we do hard things we become better in many ways. So, even if this is hard for you, you can do it!
This is going to look different for everyone. Here are some ideas that you can do if you need a starting point.
- make a list of things you want to organize
- pick one thing or area to work on at a time
- ask someone who is super organized for help or advice
- start small and slowly add more
- set a timer for 10 minutes and pick one area to quickly organize
- have boxes labeled for donation, sell, or throw away
- pick one day and time a week that is your organizing time
- get your kids and spouses to help

Each month I will pick one area in my house that we (read WE, not I. I so plan on getting my family to help.) will focus one. I have already made a list for each room in my house. On the list I included everything that needs a deep clean, things that need to be fixed, and things that need to be organized.
A few weeks ago Eddy and I started planning out our year. We have not totally finished but we made a great head start. Sometime in the next few weeks we will have to sit down and finish what we started. Here is a quick run down of what we did. (Let me know if you want a more in depth post of how we are going to plan our year.)
I started a Google Calendar. We added Eddy’s email so he can also add to the calendar. (Here’s hoping… haha). 😉
And I just may be way behind the times because you guys, I had no idea that it connected to my iPhone’s calendar. But sure enough everything I added was on my phone’s calendar. AWESOME!!! I just need to go through and delete the duplicate things.
Here is a list of things we scheduled or planned:
- Everyone’s birthdays (our little family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc.)
- Anniversaries (same list as above)
- School things for Mr. E (non normal early out days, breaks, parent teacher conferences. etc.)
- Eddy’s work schedule (This is a game changer! His schedule is on a two week rotating system. It is super frustrating to figure out what day he is working 3 weeks or more away. But now it is in my phone for the whole year!)
- Holidays
- Doctor visits (I made the rest of the visits for my kids for the year)
- Dentist visits
Here are some things we still need to schedule:
- Fitness goals
- Family date (maybe a few a month? We are not sure what we want to do.)
- Date nights (we will plan this a month out at a time)
- Travel plans
- Financial goals (we have started this, just need to finished and write it down)
- Community events, socialization gatherings, church, etc.
- Extra curricular activities
In the coming years it will not take as long to get this done. The hard part of putting in everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries is done. And I really believe as we work on it throughout the year we will both see how it will have a positive effect on our family and marriage.
Taking care of YOU
I am a HUGE believer that taking time for yourself will help you tremendously with your mental health. Even if you don’t have depression or anxiety. Working out and putting good food into your body really does a body good. 🙂
So this year I plan on taking care of myself in a few ways. Get ready! This will be amazing!!

First, working out is something I want to make it apart of my day. My goal is to get up and workout first thing in the morning. Haha! This is so hard! I am not a morning person. But it’s important for me to get a work out done.
I tend to eat better the rest of the day when I work out in the morning. I also feel better about myself when I get a workout in. What a great way to start my day!
Next, I want to really put more effort into what I put into my mouth. I need to have good choices ready for when I am hungry. I also want to be a good example for my kiddos. And don’t you just feel better when you fuel your body well?
Then, I want to get regular sleep. I want to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up around the same time. This will help my body. And maybe, just maybe I can train my body to wake up earlier. 🙂 I am kind of a sleep snob! I need sleep. I can be am a grumpy person with not enough sleep.
Last, I want to reflect on my day for a few minutes every night. A long term goal is to start writing in a journal again. I have been good at certain times in my life. Right now is not one of them.

My therapist has talked about how important it is to think about your day and write a few things down. It can be positive or negative. It really helps to get things off your chest. When I have done that in the almost 3 years I have been seeing her I can tell a huge improvement. It’s time to start again.
I have been thinking of the perfect way to keep track of a few things that are important to me. I haven’t been able to find anything. A blank journal would be fine but I wanted some format to it. So I created one. 🙂 If you want it and the rest of my Be Happy 2019 (Let’s plan for a great year) printables you are in luck!
Here is a list of what you get!!
- Monthly goal sheets
- Daily food, exercise, water, and sleep tracker
- Monthly body weight and measurement tracker
- Daily reflective tracker
or click the picture! 🙂

Let’s plan for a great year together! What are you waiting for? Let’s get a move on! 🙂