June 2020 Goals: May Recap
Do you make monthly goals? If not, then what are you waiting for?? Since I have my productivity has skyrocked. Here are my June 2020 goals.
Since my last monthly goal post we have added a new little bundle of joy to our family! Our goals may slow down for a bit… haha. I am going to cut back on how many goals I focus on for the next few months. That means that my June 2020 goals will hopefully still done.
May 2020 Goals Recap
- Budget with Eddy
- Garage/Shed
- Baby Prep
Budget With Eddy
It sure is fun to have a year long goal that we work on little by little each month. This is how I feel about our budget. It’s a getting back on track goal. As annoying as it is I feel like there is ALWAYS something that comes up that we didn’t plan for or want to spend money on.
With that being said, we stayed on track pretty well with our budget for May. You know, with the exception of having a baby girl. But we have a plan for paying for those medical bills when we get them.
As I mentioned last month, Eddy has been spending time here and there cleaning up parts of the garage. Our home gym is finally all done. We even got some pictures hung up.
Our shed is still looking and functioning well after our major clean out last summer. And it’s nice to have some summer stuff out of there to make it easier to get in and out.
Baby Prep
This one should have been easy and done the last week in April. But…I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to. I had the kid’s suitcase packed and all ready. We had some newborn diapers bought and ready. I had a mental list of the other things I wanted done:
- Hosptial Bag packed
- Cradle out and ready
- Baby clothes out and ready
- Car seat in car
When baby girl came 15 days early we didn’t have those last few things done. My water broke around 2:00 am. We called my mom to have her come over to stay with the kids. While we were waiting we got our hosptial bag packed the rest of the way. Eddy did the last few things duriung the evenings before I came home from the hosptial.
June 2020 Goals: Personal
- Budget with Eddy
- Yard
Budget With Eddy
Again, Eddy and I sat down at the end of May to go over our budget for May and planned for June. We look to see if there are any special occasions, yard or house repairs, and other expenses that we might need to think about.
Knowing these ahead of time really helps us to make an accurate “other” budget amount we need to stay under. Some of the “other” budget include:
- eating out
- house and yard things
- clothes
- family fun
- birthdays
- special days (June has Father’s Day)
- date nights (which might not happen for awhile…)
- any other that doesn’t belong to one of our main budgets categories
It has been about 2-3 years that we have done a major yard transformation. We took out plants, dug out a hill, build a sandbox and stairs, made a paver patio, laid a weed barrier, cut down dying trees, worked on sprinklers, and the list goes on.
Most of those things were done by Eddy. He’s such a hard worker and loves to put effort into making our yard look great. I do have to take credit for the front garden bed, I did most of that planting. But that’s nothing compared to what he did.
We already did some yard work before June (planting our veggie garden and reworking sprinklers). There are some fun yard projects that we want to do for the kids. We still need to work on those.
Stay tuned of the fun projects we have in store to help get and keep our kids outside playing longer and happier. We will do one project at a time, so it may take the whole summer.
So basically our yard June 2020 goals are to keep up with maintenance, work on our veggie garden, and work on a few kid play projects.
June 2020 Goals: Work
- Blog Posts (Try to write a few and not get behind)
- Social Media (Stay present and not get behind)
As you can see I have clearly cut back on my June 2020 goals both personally and for work. So this leads me to my tip of the month…
Tip of the Month
Sometimes you need to take a step back from having too many goals, or goals at all. I know that I work best when I have something I am working towards. What about you?
Knowing yourself and what you can or can not handle is key in making personal growth. I know that with a newborn, plus 4 other children, I needed to step back. I also know that I would feel lazy if I didn’t have any goals.
Don’t get me wrong! Keeping a newborn and other children alive is a huge thing, I’m not being lazy. What I meant is being lazy with me. I still need to put forth effort into me so I am not giving all I have to everyone else.
The best way for me to do that is to cut back on my goals, but to still have some goals. I will be less hard on myself, but I will still expect a tiny, little something from me.
The tip for this month is to look at the next little bit of your life and see if having fewer goals for a short period of time is going to work for you and help you continue in your path of learning and growing.
If it is, then take a small break or cut back. If not, then proceed full speed ahead. Sometimes life will give us things we need to tackle that might take away from something else for a bit of time. THAT’S OKAY!
Do what you can, when you have the time to do it. And don’t forget to treat yourself!
Good luck on your June 2020 goals! As for me and my goals? We will be snuggling this darling little girl of ours and slowly getting a few things done. Or not and that is okay too!
Xxx. Steph
Even though it is June, you can still sign up for my FREE monthly make your home a sanctuary challenge. Each month, I send out one email that contains a calendar and plans for you to tackle one space in your home. As I did this last year I felt a weight lifted, less stressed, less anxious, and my depression less more of the time.