home office

A Home Office To Not Drool Over

This home office is what dreams are made of, if your dreams are having any space to hold a home office. Check out how I made my dream come true.

What a title, right? Haha! If you are looking for some amazing looking and eye dropping home office you will not find it here. What you will find is an office that is functional and the only place to have a home office in our house. πŸ™‚

If I’m being honest here then I don’t love the look of it one bit, not at all. What I love is having a space that is dedicated for working. I love that I can leave my work stuff out and it won’t matter or be in the way.

It is nice to have a place for our office stuff and sewing things. That’s the great thing about our home office, it holds what we need and keeps things out of the way.

I have gone through times when I think I want to try to make it as nice as possible. Then my realistic side pops up on my shoulder saying, “Why? Why spend money of this home office?”

Coming to a conclusion I decided to leave most of it with that roughed in for a bathroom look so many are trying to do. πŸ˜‰

I had a few things I was not using elsewhere in my house that I added to my office. Also, I purchased a few things to help as well. I feel I made the best of it. Most importantly I created a home office when we had minimal space for one.

What I Did

First I emptied out the space. I love starting with a clean slate.

home office
The Before Picture

Next I cleaned up the room. This part didn’t take as long as some other spaces. I mostly just vacuumed the walls, ceilings, floor, and cobwebs.

Then very slowly I started putting things back into the space that made sense. Of course that meant the desk, bookcase, and filing cabinet.

I had a grand idea to put a storage bookcase on the opposite wall of the desk. It was going to hold all of my sewing, crafting supplies, and the kids extra toys to rotate.

Welp, there wasn’t enough room. Heavy sobs… πŸ˜‰ The storage bookcase went into the storage room across the hall. Once I had filled it with crafting things, wrapping things, and very few toys it was full.

Again, I was annoyed that I couldn’t get everything I wanted onto it. I guess that just means I need to get rid of more things I’m not using more.

Then as I went through all of our crafting, sewing, and office things I purged what we didn’t need. At the same time I was sorting what we did need and want. It felt great to get like items together and organized.

Sewing Supplies

Lastly, I was able to add the decorative items. Again, there are not very many. And I’m okay with this! I had to tell myself this a few times because I didn’t believe it at first.

I wanted a nice and beautiful space to work in. But at this time in my life that’s not a reality. I still wanted to share this space with you all to prove that you do not need a beautiful and perfect space to share to the world. You can make it work with what you have!

In a way I do have a beautiful and perfect space for me. I have all of the supplies I need. A little Stephanie flare was added to make the space mine. I didn’t spend too much money on this space, which is also true to me. And I will add some pictures of my favorite people.

home office

What more could I ask for? A lot, but that’s not the point. Haha! It is enough for me at this time. Sometimes we don’t get the perfect house or car or body. But, we need to be happy and grateful for what we do have. In the end it will make us happier.

Wow! I got a bit sidetracked! Back to my home office, not to drool over…

What you need to remember when you are creating your home office:

  • make a place for the things you NEED
  • organize as you put them away so they have a home
  • your home office could be a corner in a room, a cupboard, or an roughed in bathroom- make it yours with what you have
  • when you leave your home office take a quick look to make sure things are where they need to be and you only have what you need, offices can get messy quickly with unnecessary things
  • think about the purpose of your home office and create one that will help you achieve your goals
  • have fun while setting up your office

Do you have a space in your house that you are not in love with BUT you have it and it functions? I’d love to hear about it.

If you want to see other spaces I have decluttered and organized then head here, here, here, or here. Happy reading!!

Xoxo, Steph

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  1. Loved this post. I’m glad you talk about a space not needing to be perfect or “Instagram worthy” but a real space, that suits its need. Way to go to get your office up and running. It must feel so good.

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