A Habit Plan to be Excited About!
I’m here to help you create a habit plan to be excited about. One that will help you take care of YOU and create habits to keep you healthy.
Hello!!! I’m back after a short break. It was not a break I had planned on, thanks to some medical issues. So instead of what I was going to write about, I’m throwing that out the window and helping you (and me) to create a habit plan to be excited about.
I started out this year ready to slay some habits. January was great! I did yoga and read every single day! YES! February started out great, then the medical set backs.
So we’re going back to the beginning and starting fresh.
If you follow me on Instagram I posted on stories awhile ago someone’s post that was 8 things to do for 30 days to be unrecognizable. Being able to do them all everyday would be amazing. But it’s just not realistic.
Some of my followers mentioned they would like to try it but it’s just not possible. The wheeles in my head started to turn and I came up with this idea.
A Habit Plan To Be Excited About
Here is what we are going to do…
- Print up the free printable habit tracker. There are two to pick from.
- Decide how many and which habits you want to establish.
- Fill your tracker out.
- Hang your tracker near your bed.
- Start tomorrow. No need to plan the perfect day or time to start. Just go for it!
Print up Free Habit Tracker
I’m giving you two free trackers. One is blank so you can fill in whatever self care habits you want to create. The other one has the 8 habits that were on the story post in Instragram.
What Habits??
This is the fun part. You get to decide which habits you want to create. You also get to decide how many habits you want to work on. This is your time to make a habit plan that fits YOU!
The following is the list from the post. You can pick from these or create your own self care habits.
- sleep 8 hours
- drink at least 2L of water daily
- get sun daily
- no sugar
- read for at least 30 minutes
- workout at least 3x weekly
- eat fruit and vegetables daily
- meditate at least 10 minutes daily
Fill Out Your Tracker
Now that you have your habit tracker printed up. And know which habits you want to work on, you get to fill your tracker out! Get fun pens if that makes you happy.
Write down the title of the habit, the start date and end date. I’m going to be starting today, March 1, 2021. Then I will end on March 31, 2021.
I have gotten in a good habit of doing yoga and reading daily. I am going to keep working on those habits. But, I am also going to start doing some more self care habits.
The three things are calling me are: getting more sleep, drinking more water, and keeping track of my food. That one is not on “the list” but I eat produce daily and need to make healthier food choices.
I will be using my food container printable. You can find yours here. It is a simple check off system, so easy and that makes it easy to be successful.

Hang Your Tracker
You don’t really have to hang your tracker by your bed. That’s just where I hang it and love it there. I check in at the end of the day. And of course get to check off the boxes on the self care habits I completed.
I suggest hanging your tracker where you will see it daily. And put it in a place where it will remind you throughout the day to do your habits.
Start NOW
There is no need to set a start date and wait. Just get started now! A habit plan is not going to be perfect. It’s a work in progress. So just start today.
There you have it. A habit plan to be excited about! And a habit plan that YOU can be successful at. Take this one small baby step at a time. You can absolutely start with one habit and work your way up.
I can’t wait to hear what habits you are going to start with. Share with us all in the comments. 🙂
Get your FREE habit tracker printables below! Enjoy friends!
Xxx, Steph