Spread More Love and Kindness
Love and kindness can heal a lot of things. This Valentine’s Day let’s try to start adding more love and more kindness into our daily lives.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Woohoo! Are you going to be doing something fun and crazy? Or will it be a pretty normal day for you? It’s going to be a pretty normal day for us. With the expection of starting to add more love and kindness in our lives.
I’m excited!
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And you should be too. 😊
I found these two quotes that I wanted to share.
What I liked about this quote is the fact that it focused on loving those that may or may not “deserve” it. It’s not up to us to decide if they deserve it or not. It’s up to us to show love and kindness. Then let what happens happen.
I was talking with my kiddos before Christmas about giving a little gift to their bus drivers. My 7 year old mentioned how the afternoon bus driver was mean. What I said and thought were two different things… haha
I told her that maybe they are going through something hard, maybe they need to be shown some love and kindness. Maybe a little gift and saying Merry Christmas will be a bright spot in their life and they will return some kindness.
What I wanted to say was, Yep! They are tired, having to drive loud and crazy kids around. They are overworked because of the shortage.
This quote fits my point I was trying to make with my kids. Just because someone doesn’t fit our mold of deserving kindness or love doesn’t mean we still can’t give it to them.
Love them! Love them fiercely! See how it changes them. And YOU!
LOVE! Can you imagine a world that glows with love? I can. It’s magical! It really is.
While we can’t change the world all at once. We CAN change our little part of the world. Let’s start with those closest to us, our families and friends.
Do me a favor and let’s try to show more love and kindness to those we are around all the time. They may be the hardest ones to do this with freely. We tend to save that for strangers. Which is great.
But, what if we showed the ones we love more love and kindness? Can you imagine the light that woud shine from them and us? Oh, it makes my heart happy.
I’m going to try to be a much better example of love and kindness with my children. They are my favorite people. They make my world go round. However, they can see the worst parts of me. The parts I let them see.
It’s okay to let them see that you are human. I believe they need to know that we make mistakes and need to try. What I’m talking about is being more patient with them. Helping them with less complaining. Talking with more love and less do this and that.
Showing my little humans more love and kindness will hopefully help them to copy me. Copying me talking and acting with love and kindness more. Playing with their toys with more love and kindness. (Ummm, have your kid’s barbies yelled at each other? My kid’s barbies do and it makes me sad.)
Mental Health, Love, Kindness
Do you know that when I have been able to be more loving and kind it has boosted my mental health? How cool is that? Letting my heart be filled with love only helps me to heal from the inside out.
It can be hard when my depression is bad. I feel like I have a shriveled up heart. And a selfish one. Can you relate? As humans we are not perfect, but we can always be working on being better.
So many times when my mental health is acting up I just want to hide and wait it out. I can’t do that. I have little humans that rely on me. I count this as a blessing.
I have to get up and at least go through the motions. The next time I’m down I’m going to try to put a smile on my face and think about love. Think and act on love and kindness. Then I’m going to watch and see how it changes my mental health state.
I bet it will change. A good change. How about you? Do you think you’d have a positive change? It’s worth a shot!
My Challange To You
This Valentine’s Day let’s start adding more love and kindness in our lives. Let’s start with the ones closest to us. Then spread out to others. Let’s try to be the spark that helps others to be more loving and kind.
What are some of your ideas to be more loving and kind? Please share below in the comments. Let’s all share our thoughts to get more ideas.
Great post Steph ❤️
Thank you Cynthia! 🙂
Love and kindness are never wasted.
I couldn’t agree more. 🥰