Reverse Trick Or Treating And Free Printables
Halloween is here this weekend! Are you going out trick or treating this year? With covid we are going to do reverse trick or treating.
The count down is on! We are almost to Halloween. Do you know what that means? Candy overload! Maybe in years past. But this year things may look different. I’m really thinking of doing reverse trick or treating with my littles.
In years past we have left a bowl of candy on our porch and hoped one person didn’t fill their bag full of candy in one trick or treating stop. We would all go visit grandparents and then hit our neighborhood.

The last two years Eddy has had to work so it was up to me. Finally this year Eddy has it off, Yippy! I was sooooo looking forward to being able to go trick or treating as a family.
With everything going on this year we have been trying to find a way to still get out and get those tricks or treats. 😉 As Eddy and I were talking the other night, a lightbulb went off.
Reverse trick or treating!!!
What is Reverse Trick or Treating?
It is when you take your ticks or treats to your friends, neighbors, and family. Sounds fun right?
We have a list of friends in our neighborhood that are going to be out trick or treating and will hit only those houses. And of course the grandparents.

Ideas for Treats
This is where we are stumped. My first thought was to make and decorate sugar cookies. The two problems are: that’s a whole lot of sugar cookies. And homemade goodies may not be the best option right now.
So, here is a list of some fun tricks or treats that you can do for reverse trick or treating:
- candy
- fruit snacks
- indiviudal bag of crackers
- supplies to make cake cookies – get the Halloween Fun Fetti cake mix for some fun cookies
- toys – hit up your local Dollar Store
- supplies for a Halloween craft
- Halloween book – here, here, here, here, and here are some good ones
- stickers, Halloween of course
- bat attack someone’s house – put up a bunch of paper bats (or pumpkins, spiders, ghosts, etc) on their door and doorbell ditch them
- Halloween Poems – Click below to get your Free Printable Halloween Poems.
Whatever you end of doing this year for Halloween I hope it’s fun and spooky. And that you get your fill of candy and sugar. 🙂
Happy Halloween my friends!
Xxx, Steph

Super cute idea!
Thank you Amanda!! 🙂
That is such a great idea! I hope you have a great Halloween!
Thank you Celine! We sure did. Happy Halloween!!