May Goals 2019 and April Recap
Are you working on any goals right now? Do you make monthly goals? Here are my May goals and a tip to help you when making goals.
What is going on? How in the world is is already May?? The good thing about it being May 1st is that I get to celebrate 11 years of being married to Eddy. Woohoo! But that’s for another post… today I get to share my May goals.
And lucky me, I get to write this twice. TWICE!! I am less mad about it now. But last week when I was working on it (and pretty much done with writing) I was LIVID! 🙁
Before I share my May goals, let’s take a quick recap of April 2019 goals.
April Goals
- Kid’s Bedrooms
- Morning Routine
- Healthy Snacks

Kid’s Bedrooms
This was such a fun project to work on. We were able to hammer it out in less then a week. Once the whole house decluttered, simplified, and organized before we do decorating. Go here to see a more detailed post about the bedrooms.

My kiddos are mostly keeping their rooms clean. It does help that they do not have a tun in their rooms. And that I remind them often. I’m pretty sure my favorite thing we did was adding drawer organizers from Ikea in their dressers drawers. Life changing!!
Morning Routines
I am proud to say that I am making big improvements with my morning routine. I am still working on getting up at a certain time more consistently. Read more about what my plan is and get 4 steps to help find your morning routine.

After reading and thinking more about morning routines I am coming to the conclusion that I do not have to do the same thing every morning. I am leaning more towards a list of possible things to do each morning.
Healthy Snacks
To be very honest, I did nothing with this goal. And I’m totally okay with this! Here are my reasons:
- Easter. Which equals really good candy. The Easter Bunny did not disappoint and I have continue to sneak my kids candy.
- We spent a few days in Park City, Utah. We go every year with my in laws. I’ve duded it the all you can eat junk food weekend. I didn’t do too bad this year.
- I was pretty lazy in my grocery list and menu planning this month. It’s hard to prepare some yummy healthy snacks when I didn’t plan for them when grocery shopping.
So I will roll this goal over to another month and call it over for April.
Drum roll please…. here are my May goals for 2019!
May Goals: Personal
- Yard
- Healthy Snacks
- Morning Routine and Be Happy Trackers

Now that the weather is getting much warmer it is time for Eddy and I to get outside. The past few years we have focused a lot of time; almost ever waking hour, it seemed, and money on our yard. We are loving how it is turning out.
We have our vegetable garden we want to plant, possibly plant some more trees and grape vines. I started a piece of outdoor furniture when I was pregnant with my 16 month old… So I’d like to finish that.

We also have fun plans for some outdoor exploration play for the kiddos. We will keep you in the loop as we hopefully get our long to do yard list crossed off.
Healthy Snacks
And take two! Starting the first week in May I plan to make my normal monthly meal plan and major grocery shipping trip. This will help me start my month off in the right direction.

Each week I will try one new healthy snack recipe that I haven’t tried before. So, send me your favorite healthy snack recipe for me to try out! 🙂
Morning Routine/Be Happy Tracker
I know, I know! Boring that the last two goals are ones I have had before. In my defense, hey wait, I don’t have to defend myself. 🙂 Haha!
I need to still work on my morning routine and get it set into place. I figured it would be best to have it as my goal again this month to keep it going in the right direction.

To be honest, I haven’t been very consistent with my Be Happy Tracker that I was filling out nightly. I want to try to incorporate this into my morning routine. My hope it that it will motivate me to fill it out at night if I started in the morning.
Here is my goal tip for the month. Woohoo! If you find yourself struggling with a certain goal then you have two choices. 1) You can just drop it and say adios to that goal for now. 2) You can wait until your next round of goals to try again.
Maybe you just need a little break and some fresh eyes. Maybe your other goals took up too my time. Is it possible that your game plan maybe wasn’t the best for you at that moment in time?
Remember YOU are in charge of you and your goals. You need to make them fit your life and yourself at that moment.
May Goals: Work
- WordPress Class (finish the videos)
- Fix my site to my liking
- My uber mysterious work thing I’m working on with Eddy
What are some May goals that you are working on? Have you taken a few minutes to sit down to make some goals? If not, what are you waiting for? 🙂
Happy May goals planning and taking action. Remember to keep me in the loop of what your May goals are and your progress.
Xoxo, Steph
In case you are super curious, here are my April goals. 🙂