7 Days of Gratitude: Week 1
This is the first in my 7 days of gratitude series. With it being November I wanted to focus each week on things I’m grateful for. Enjoy and stayed tuned every Wednesday in November.
Hello! If you read my latest Sunday Motivation post I said I had something fun coming. Well, here is it! My first 7 days of gratitude. In honor of Thanksgiving and thinking about things we are grateful for I wanted to do a weekly gratitude post. I will be posting each Wednesday in November. Get excited folks!
The other day my son’s school started a Look For The Good 10 day campaign . Each day they will be writing something they are grateful for on a post it and putting it on their gratitude wall. It’s going to be awesome. They mentioned that studies have shown that gratitude can help make you healthier, make you kinder, and boost your intelligence. What?! I’m totally in. 🙂
This makes me even more excited to do the 7 days of gratitude.
My Hubby
How could I not start with this one? 🙂 He is my everything! Eddy can make me laugh, even when I don’t want to. He is so darn handsome. He works hard and plays hard. When I’m down (and when I’m not down) I love to hug him. He gives the best hugs. My world would be rocked without him.
This morning after a long night of Miss N crying and my migraine hurting like a mother I was not ready to be awake. I’m in the bathroom and next thing I know Eddy has turned on Whitney Huston and is belting it downstairs. 🙂 He brings so much fun and joy to my life. My whole heart and body love him.
Mr. E
This little guy made me a mom 6 years ago. He is smart, funny, kind, and one of a kind. Mr. E takes after his dad and loves football. That kiddo will spend lots of time outside playing football by himself. When I try to watch him he gets all shy and doesn’t want me to continue watching him.
Today as we were driving and talking about birthdays he said, “I’m almost 7, so I’m almost a teenager. Miss L is 4 and will start kindergarten soon.” I love that he thinks he is almost a teenager. Haha! Good thing that is far off so I can enjoy him as much as possibly human. I love every bit of him.
Miss L
This girl is my mini-me in so many ways. Then blows me out of the water. She is silly, knows what she wants, can wrestle and keep her own with Mr. E. I got to snuggle with her awhile tonight, she fits perfectly in my lap. Her smiles lights my world. And her laugh about kills me.
She can be so outgoing and adventurous one minute then a little shy the next. Miss L loves to help, I hope that sticks around for awhile. She loves dogs and most animals. She informed us the other day that she is not going to get married but will have a cat. Haha! We told her she will probably find someone she loves who also likes cats. She didn’t buy it. My love for Miss L pours out of me.
Miss S
Oh my, this cutie is constantly making me laugh. The way she walks, the way she talks, just the way she is- on my, I can’t stand the cuteness. She’s my blond babe. Her kind heart makes me proud. She is concerned when anyone cries. If we are home she will run grab a stuffed animal or a blanket that belongs to the kiddo crying to help them feel better.
She thinks if she is chewing that means she is still eating, therefore she doesn’t need to be sitting at the table. I caught her licking the table at McDonald’s… bla! She was licking up her ice cream. Pretty sure I scared her when I saw and told her to stop. When she smiles her face lights up and her nose gets crinkly. I sure do love her.
Miss N

My baby! I can’t believe she has been in our family for 10 months. She has changed and grown a ton. Her red hair is so soft and fun to play with. She is the most snugly of any of my babies. Pretty much every time I pick her up she lays her head on my chest and I just melt.
Miss N can sit and play with toys for awhile and be so happy. But, she is even happier when she can watch her brother or sisters playing. I’m still her favorite and I’m eating that up! Lately she has started to bite me a tiny bit when she nurses. I’ll look at her and say, “No biting, that hurts mommy.” That little stinker will give a little giggle. I hope it means she will joke around with me. Everyday I say I love her more.
My kddos are truly amazing, the reason why I get up in the morning, and why I’m always tired. Haha! They can drive me nutty, but I wouldn’t have or want it any other way. My life would be well rested but completely boring without them.
My Dad
My dad had taught me to much. He is such a good dad for me. My pop has a good sense of humor and it is fun to joke around with him. When I was younger I remember sitting in his car with him in the driveway, burping away. Haha! We have been known to chase each other around trying to scare each other or throw balls at each other. It’s been awhile, watch out dad! 😉
I know my dad loves me, he tells me so. But he also shows me: filling up my car with gas when he drives it, supporting me through lots and lots of volleyball games and making it possible for me to play club, telling me we will make it work when I really felt Westminster College was the right place to continue my college education, and so many other ways. I have such a sweeeetttttt dad! (inside joke, but I really to have a sweeettt dad!). I love you pops!
My Mom
There is just something about moms. Am I right or what? They are amazing in every way. My mom is no exception! After being a mom myself I appreciate my mom to a whole level. She has also taught me so much. I get my love of reading from her. She is very kind and generous. My mom is a hard worker and has recently retired, we are all loving it!
She is silly and fun to be around. Years ago on Christmas Eve some of my sisters, mom, and I were taking the most silly and weird pictures on the couch. I love that she was just as silly as my sisters and I. We have had many, almost pee our pants moments together. I love you mama!
My cute parents! They have shown me how to be in a respectful relationship, compromise, and work together. They have raised 4 awesome (if I saw so myself) daughters. They love us and all the grandkids. My mom and dad have taught me how to work, play, laugh, love, follow my heart, and be the best that I can. I know that I am blessed and beyond lucky to have two great parents.
Who wants to join me during November in my 7 days of gratitude? Well, I guess my 7 days of gratitude chunks. Haha! It will be fun to not only think about some things I am grateful for but really think about them and why I’m grateful for them. I hope I can help keep my mood boosted while purposefully showing my gratitude.
What are some things you are grateful for?