Brightest Stars: Sunday Motivation
Today’s quote comes from Richard Evans and is about the brightest stars. What you do think of when you hear or read brightest stars? I think of the sun.
I’m hoping you are having a wonderful weekend and Sunday. Today’s quote comes from Richard Evans and is about the brightest stars.
What you do think of when you hear or read brightest stars? I think of the sun. I also think of the night sky when I am out in the middle of nowhere. The stars are crazy bright. And there are so many of them, it’s breathtaking.

If you think about this quote you might want to say, well duh! And you are right. But I want you to think a bit deeper about what he is saying.
Let’s take stars out of the picture for a minute. How do you feel when you are in a completely dark room? I can panic a little. My eyes definitely need to adjust. Sometimes I feel alone or sad.
How do you feel when you are in a dark place? Not physically but mentally. It’s pretty awful.
When I was in a darker place a bit ago, I was in that place for what seemed like forever. I could seem okay and fine to the outside world. But, inside I was hurting. I didn’t want to keep going.
Now that I am out of that dark place and in a better state of mind and body I see the bright stars. I needed to be in complete darkness to be able to be in the light that I am in now.
When I go camping and I have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night there is a moment of fear. I don’t like to be outside along in the dark. But once I step out of my tent and see the beauty in the stillness and the brightest stars I feel a bit calmer.
I’m not going to lie, I run that mad to the bathroom and then run back to my tent. Haha! All the while the light of the moon is guiding me and lighting a path for me.
Even when we are in a place of fear and darkness there is a light guiding us and cheering us on. We may not be able to see or hear it. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
I want you to know that YOU are WORTH it! You are loved! You are wanted! Keep moving and pushing through the dark, crappy moments and times. Not only will you feel better but you will see the brightest stars.
Xoxo, Steph
Want more Sunday Motivational quotes? Here is last week’s. Enjoy!
You can also check out my friend, Lana’s blog here. She is a mom to two littles trying to find inspiration in a hectic life. She does a Monday Motivation that you should check out. 🙂