Awesome Halloween Books You Need: Part 4
Part 4 of my awesome Halloween books you need to read is here! So grab these books and have some fun, spooky reading fun.
I can’t believe that is the part 4 of my awesome Halloween books you need to read! I think I have said that in my three other Halloween book posts, haha! (You can get them here, here, and here.) But, really guys, it’s October 25th! What?! Time is sure flying by. Do you know what makes time fun while it is flying by? Well, reading of course!
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This week we get a bonus book. Lucky you! As I was taking pictures of the books I realized I need to get some new Halloween books. I love the ones we have. However, some are old. Oldies but goodies. I have misplaced two really great ones. I’ll keep an eye out for them (or just replace them) and share them next year.
Halloween Books!
Book 1: Five Little Ghosts
This book; Five Little Ghosts was one of our new books last year. It is a board book, which is super nice with little ones. This tale is about 5 little ghosts and their adventures at the end of the day. This book is easy to read out loud with the rhyming words. My kiddos and I love reading this book.
Book 2: Halloween with Morris and Boris
Your children will get a good laugh out of Halloween with Morris and Boris by Bernard Wiseman. The funny duo goes through Halloween night causing ciaos. Morris the Moose reminds me a little of Amelia Bedilia because he thinks literal about things. This is one of the appeals about this cute book.
Book 3: Clifford’s Halloween
What book list would be complete with a Clifford book? My kiddos like the Clifford books. This book, Clifford’s Halloween by Normal Birdwell, is no exception. In this book we find out that Halloween is Emily Elizabeth’s favorite holiday. They try to figure out what to dress Clifford as this year. You will have to read it to find out. J
Book 4: Trick-or-Treat
I love when reading meets math. Trick-or-Treat by Ann Dixon, is a fun Halloween adding and subtracting book. A cute group of trick or treaters are out on Halloween night. Two more feet are added each page as a new friend joins the group. Then when something scares them the feet start to run away two at a time. It’s always a bonus when you get to read a fun book and do some math with it.
Bonus Book 5: The Best Halloween Hunt Ever
In this book, The Best Halloween Hunt Ever, by John Speirs, 5 kids (John, Sara, Tine, Alexis, and Roy) go on a Halloween Hunt. In this Where’s Waldo type book each page is a different room or scene. For each page the 5 kids finds, hides, sees or picks a few things. My students and kiddos have fun looking for the pictures on each page. Just in case you are having a hard time there is a guide for each page at the end of the book.
If you haven’t gathered I love books. Haha! Oh, and holidays. This just might have to be a thing on my blog- holiday books. Thanks for letting me share some wonderful books with you.
Buy these books! Click on the links below to go directly there.