Why You Need An Organization Routine In Your Life
When you create an organization routine you will be able to stay organized. Read to see my 5 steps to get you started and a free habit tracker bundle.
This is the perfect time of year to start thinking about getting a little organization routine into your life. It’s the start of the new year, and hopefully a better year than 2020 was.
If we learned anything from 2020 it was junk happens. We can plan and prepare. But curve balls will be thrown, hardships will happen, death, sickness, job loss, mental health issues, and the list goes on and on.
I truly hope that this year will be different. We never know the future. But we can help our furture selves by being organized and prepared.
In my experiences it is not just about being organized. I can spend hours (and I have) getting my house organized. I can dejunk, declutter, get rid of a bunch of stuff, label everything, and in one day things will be messy again.
It drives me CRAZY!!!! Anyone else?
I don’t know about you, but, I can’t keep it up. My mental health struggles, I get mad and angry.

In 2019 I spent a ton of time going through almost everything in our house. The feeling I had was AMAZING! It was only a matter of time that things started to get messy and unorganized.
Partly my fault and party the fault of my family.
Last year I watned to maintain and quickly go over the areas of my house and did mini declutter sessions. Welp, 2020 was a crap shoot! Let’s just leave it at that! 🙂
Now that it is 2021, I realized I needed not only to reoganize but to have an organization routine. This routine needs to include myself and my family. There are 7 people in my family. We ALL need to learn and put forth an effort to learn, maintain, and make our organization routine a habit.
Last week I went headfirst into why habits are the bomb!
Today I want you to follow the steps I outlined about making personal habits to create a family organization routine. For me and my family this will be a year long (and probably into eternity) process.
Step 1: Create List
What are the areas or places in your house that create the most frustration for you? Write them down and why! Some for me are: kitchen, mudroom/bathrrom/laundry room, linnen closet, toys!

Step 2: Organize Your List
You bet that organizing your list is a step. 🙂 Pick a color for different areas of your house (kitchen = blue, linnen cloest = orange, etc.) and highlight all the things that need some attention for each area.

Then take a new piece of paper and make headings (certain areas) and under each heading list all the things that need an organization routine.
Steph 3: Time and Importance
This is getting to the fun part. Who am I kiddening? I love making lists, that part was super fun. #nerdalert haha
Now we get to decide what area we want to work on first. This is going to be a whole family thing. I am going to start at the beginning, where we enter our house.
We have a very small mud room/laundry room/bathhroom all in one space. It’s right off of the garage. Our garage door opens into the house and our multi purpose room is right behind the open garage door.
It makes for some fun times when 7 people are trying to come in, get their stuff off, and into the house.

We like to take our shoes off, wash hands, and put coats or whatever we have in our hands away. Does it always happen? Um NOOO!
This multipurpose room makes sense for me and my family. If we can get our stuff put away right when we walk in the house than we can then move onto to other parts of our house.
I suggest making a very detailed list of your expecations. Write it all down, step by step. It will be even more effective if you do this with your family. Let them share in the onwership of creating your organization routine.
I also suggest hanging this list in the area where you need it. For me, that will be in my multipurpose room.
Step 4: Pick Habit Tracker
This is another plug for you to grab my habit tacker bundle. BUT it is also for you to make this new organization routine a habit for you and your family.

Hang the habit tracker that makes sense for you, your family, and the space right next to your detailed list of expectations. It’s your one stop place to know what to do, is expected, and held accountable all in one place.
Want to get your Habit Tracker Printable Bundle for free? Here is the link to get your free code and a direct link to my shop.
Step 5: Keep Going
Once you feel you AND your family are taking care of a certain space and creating a good habit it’s time to move onto another space. Go back to your list and pick the next more irritating space and get going with steps 3-5.
This is going to be a long process but it will be so worth it. This year I want to create with my family a organization routine for lots of spaces in our house that will help it run smoother.
And help me to calm down! Haha!

I will keep you updated with our progress. Along the way I will be giving you tips and tricks to help you fine tune this process and make it more of a habit to do some of these organization things.
But for now I want you to go through steps 1-5 and pick one area to work on over the next few weeks. Good luck friends! You got this!
What area are you going to work on? Tell me in the comments below. We are diffently going to do our mud room/laundry room/bathroom.
Happy creating a organization routine!
Brilliant idea! I will try this out. For me, it’s the same issue as you – coming in the door with ALL THE STUFF and making sure ALL THE STUFF gets put in the right place.
Thanks so much! It can be such a pain! I hope it goes well, keep me updated Lara.