Valentine’s Day Mash Up: Activites, Treats, and More
This is a packed Valentine’s Day mash up! There are crafts, dates ideas, yummy treats to make and eat, and activities ideas galore!
I just love holidays! Don’t you? There are so many fun things that can be done and traditions to keep doing. It’s no different with Valentine’s Day. So I have created a Valentine’s Day mash up for you.
I have included some of my posts and ideas. But I also searched and found some fun things that others have created. Get ready to get your Valentine’s Day celebrations on!
To help you be able to get to the post as fast as you blink I have added direct links to each example. Have fun! Oh, and add in the comments your favorite traditions or fun activities you want to share with us all.
Valentine’s Day Mash Up – Crafts
Holiday Fabric Garland – this is a Halloween one, but all you need to do is change the fabric and it is good for any holiday or occasion.

Yarn Wrapped Cardboard Hearts – from Crafty Morning. This would be a super fun and easy craft for littles to do with you. Put them in a glass jar or in a bowl and they make a fun decoration.
Popsicle Stick Valentine Frame – from One Crazy Ride. I plan on doing this with my kiddos this year. To be honest I think I will just pull out the paints and let them paint it how they want. 🙂
Rock Painting – This is not a new idea, but it sure can be a cute one. All you need it some rocks, paint brushes, and paint. The ideas are endless of what to paint. But in case you need some inspiration…
- hearts
- love bugs
- fingerprint hearts
- red, pink, or purple shapes and desgins
- conversation hearts
Valentine’s Day Mash Up – Activities
5 Fun Valentine’s Dates and Kid’s Crafts

12 Days of Love for you Valentine
12 Days of Valentine’s For Your kiddos

Epic Valentine’s Day Science Experiments for Kids – from 123 Homeschool 4 Me. This just sounds amazing! I’m going to have to add at least one of these into our Valentine’s Day celebrations.
Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt – from Super Savvy Sarah. I don’t know about you but I love a fun scavenger hunt! This one is Valentine themed and free. Need I say more??
Valentine’s Day Mash Up – Treats
Yes! We are to the treat part! Yum Yum!
Cake Cookies I have mentioned many times before that I’m not the best cookie maker. However, these cake cookies are always a win. They are easy, very versitle, and yummo! Here are some varities that would be good: red velvet and white chocolate chips, strawberry and chips of your choice, lemon with chocolate chips (my personal fav), chocolate with red chips, yellow with fav chips.

Strawberry Valentine Chex Mix – from Butter With a Side of Bread. This looks so good and easy. Win, win!
Valentine Pretzels – from Wilton. To be honest, I’d love to eat these but maybe not make them. They look like they take a long time… haha!
Love Bug Oreo Cookies – from Sarah’s Bake Stuido. Ok, these are darling! And you know they will be good because, hello Oreos!
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries – from The Inspriation Edit. What would a Valentine’s Day Mash Up be without chocolate covered straberries?
Other Ideas
Books! We love holiday books around our house. I have orderd some Valentine’s Day books from my first grader’s book order. It will be a surprise to my kiddos.
We have a fabric tub in our living room where we kepp holiday books. My kids love it, which makes my heart happy.
Gifts – This is a wonderful time to think about those you love. You don’t have to give gifts at this time but it’s always fun to give and recieve. Eddy and I usually go on a date and give each other cards, we normally don’t do gifts.
But if you are in the mood for some gifts for your love, below are some that won’t break the budget.

Thanks for joining me in my Valentine’s Day mash up. I hope you got some good ideas for crafts, activities, treats, and gifts. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Xxx, Steph