Sunday Motivation: Sunshine
This week’s motivational quote comes from Walt Whitman. This great quote helps us look for the sunshine in things and keep going.
This time of year so many are yearning for the winter to be over and the sun to finally shine. We are getting more and more sunshine in Utah. It is beautiful and refreshing!

Today’s quote is a simple reminder to keep looking forward. I don’t know about you but I would rather have the sunshine then the shadows following me.
This quote by Walt Whitman is telling us to keep looking forward and to the future. And that sunshine is better then shadows. It reminds me a bit of last week’s Sunday Motivation.
I feel all the reminders to keep moving forward are good reminders. So many times we can get caught up in the past or the shadows. Let’s not get caught up in the past but let our past, our shadows, be what keeps us moving forward, looking for the shinning sun.
I hope you have a very happy day that is full of sunshine!
Xoxo, Steph