Sunday Motivation: Fear
If you didn’t have any fear what would YOU do? What would you accomplish? What could you get done?
If you didn’t have any fear what would YOU do? What would you accomplish? What could you get done?

I have a huge fear of spiders and crawly things. I can’t tell you how many times I have called my dad to the rescue when I was a little girl or as a not so little girl still living at home. Now my hubby has that job. Or sometimes my kids… haha!
When I was teaching I would calmly ask which kiddo wanted to be brave and get the spider. So many rose to the challenge. I have SOOOOOO MANY spider stories. That will should be a mini series…
Now that I have kiddos of my own I try really hard to be brave. I don’t want them to have the same fears of spiders that I do. And if I’m being completely honest I need them to be brave for me so they will kill those nasty things for me. LOL!!!
So about a year ago while visiting my sister and her family in Santa Fe we went to a bug store. Behind the store front there was a mini museum of, you got it spiders and creepy crawly things.
The awesome owner had quiet a few spiders and insects that he would get out and let people hold or touch. OH MY HECK!!! You guys!! I touched some! I couldn’t bring myself to hold any. But I did something that I feared so freaking much.
And guess what?! I felt at that moment that I could do anything. It was incredible. I faced that fear head on, well mostly head on.
So tell me, what do you fear? What is something that scares the heck out of you?
I held onto this blog for months. One reason was fear. I was so darn afraid of what others would say to me or about me. I let my fear of being judged put off something I really wanted to do. Once I pressed the publish button I felt that fear stronger.
Then I posted on my personal Facebook page and let me tell you I was starring fear in the face. It wasn’t until a few sister in laws talked to me about it that night when we all got to our camping spot that I started to feel like I could do anything.
I have a challenge for you. 🙂 Tell me one thing you fear. Then I want you to grab onto that fear and do it. Wither it is getting out of the bed, calling a long lost friend, owing up to something stupid you did, pushing the send button on anything online, or spiders. I want to know.
Let’s work on our fears together to conquer them. Let’s take that fear and turn in into I can do anything moment.