Spreading Joy: Things To Have On Hand
Have you found yourself with the thought of spreading joy to someone? Then thought, I can’t have the engery or anything to give them? I got you covered.
So after a very hard day yesterday and posting about it on Instagram stories I was showered with love. It was very humbling and a great reminder that I have awesome people in my corner. This got me thinking about spreading joy.
Spreading joy can look and feel different for everyone. But I thought I would put a quick post together about spreading joy. And having things on hand to make it easier. (I’ll get back to my depression mini series next week. Here are the first two posts: here and here.)
Like I said I was overwhelemed, in a good way, last night.
I had people reach out on social media, texts, phone calls, visit from Grammy, treats, and dinner dropped off.
I had more tears, tears of joy and love. While my mom was here last night we were talking about impressions we have gotten about making cookies or doing something fun for someone that pops in our head.

Sometimes I act on those impressions. Other times, not so much. I feel too tired to make cookies. Or something feels too hard. I’ll think I can’t do that now my kids need me. Lots of excuses.
This is where you need to think about you, just for a minute. If you have energy and time, then spread joy. If it is going to stress you out then maybe do it a bit later. Give yourself some time.
Last night as I was eating a milkshake and thinking about my day. I felt like I needed to act more on the impressions to spread joy to others. I felt that if I had more things ready and mostly prepared then it wouldn’t seem like such a hard thing.
It would be easier and less stressful to spread joy if things were ready. I could spread joy a bit more. How do you feel after you have served someone? Pretty darn awesome, right? I want to feel that way more.
So here are a list of things I’m going to have/keep/make that will make this easier.
Spreading Joy Ideas
- Chocolate – who doens’t love chocolate?
- Candy – other candy for those crazies that don’t like chocolate
- Notebooks – fun, little, can be used for so many things
- Pens – fun colored pens to fill those notebooks
- Lotion – there are endless good smells and people like to have soft hands
- Candles – this goes along with good smells and creating a nice atmosphere
- Socks – fun socks can help lift someones mood and keep their piggies warm
- Notecards – writing something nice about that person or a lift me up is always nice to read
- $5 gift cards – so they can grab a shake, drink, cookies, salad, whatever
- Frozen cookie dough – You can get those home baked cookies without making a huge mess (bonus, you can cook one or five up for you when you need a quick treat)
What ideas do you have? When is the last time you spread joy? I encourage you to spread joy today to someone you think may need a little love.
Now, I’m going to go get a box ready with some things for the next time I get an impression that someone needs a quick pick me up.
Happy spreading joy!
Xxx, Steph

I love the idea of a spreading joy box! Thanks for being a good influence Stephanie. I just read the post about your depression journey and I got emotional when I saw the picture of you and Eddy. I love that picture. It’s full of joy and the support you two are to each other.
Thanks! I still need to do it… oh thanks. I’ll need to relook at the picture. 🙂