March 2020 Goals: February Recap
SharePinTweetHappy March!! Let’s just get down to business, shall we? Today I’m going to share with you how I did in February and my new March 2020 goals. Last I’ll…
Happy March!! Let’s just get down to business, shall we? Today I’m going to share with you how I did in February and my new March 2020 goals. Last I’ll share a goal tip/trick/hack with you all. 🙂
February 2020 Goal Recap
- Budget with Eddy
- Clean Bathrooms
- Pictures on Phone
Budget with Eddy
We really put some tough restrictions on our grocery and other budgets this month. We had a great goal in mind, it was for a great cause. It was to help get us back on track and have enough money in our checking account for the month of March.

But then life happened! We needed to purchase a new computer and we overspent a little on our grocery and other budgets. So instead of saving extra for our checking account we used it to buy a computer. Not the end of the world.
We were able to keep track of our spending on the excel spreadsheet I made. I updated it a few times throughout the month. And I kept track of our grocery spending on the notes on my phone.
Clean Bathrooms
Because I did my huge overhaul last year on our bathrooms this time around it wasn’t as bad. I enlisted the help of Eddy and the kids to make it even faster.
Cleaning is not my most favorite thing in the world. However, I love a clean space. So I clean to have clean spaces.
With being 27 weeks pregnant I was not to happy about cleaning under the sink or the tubs, or anywhere else to be honest. So this is where Eddy and the kids came in.

First I emptied out the everything in the mater bathroom and put it into piles. While it was empty, Eddy and the kids did their thing and cleaned.
Then we moved onto the kid’s bathroom. Again, I emptied it out and put into piles. Then Eddy and the kids cleaned the bathroom. Both bathrooms got a really good deep cleaning.
After both bathrooms were cleaned and all the bathroom stuff got looked over and put into piles (keep, relocate, trash, give away) I worked on putting things back in.
Pictures on Phone
I was able to start going through my pictures on my phone. I had first thought I would just go through them and delete any fuzzy, duplicate, or pics I didn’t want. It was taking FOREVER!

And then I would have to go through them again. So I decided that as I was going through my pictures I would make and put them into albums that made sense. I still have many pictures to go through but I have started and made a good dent.
Personal March 2020 Goals
Woohoo!! I’m excited to share my works for March. As I have mentioned this year we want to get our online life and other paper or memorabilia stuff organized. That leads me to…
- Budget with Eddy
- Laundry Room
- Baby Book
Budget with Eddy
Again throughout the year we will have budgeting as one of our personal goals. March 2020 goals is no exception. Last month we talked about cutting way back on parts of our budget. This month we will live on our “normal” budget.
Then in my monthly budget blog post I will talk about some of the very important fundamentals of budgeting.
Laundry Room
This month in my Monthly Challenge is our laundry room! We have let some things pile up and we need to switch out some weather related supplies. So this is the perfect time to tackle our laundry room.

I’ll pick one day when Eddy is home so we can work on this together. I think I’m going to let him help with some deep cleaning again this month. 🙂
Baby Book
You know how it goes, your first child has a lot more things done for them. So for my March 2020 goals we are going to finish my son’s baby book. His has many parts filled out. But, there are holes so I want to have Eddy help me fill in.
After my son’s baby book is done then we will start on our second kiddo and work our way down to getting them all done. And bought… I’m a bit behind! Better late then never!
Why do I want to do this? Well, my memory can fail me at times. I want to get these done before I forget everything! And I’m not sure about you but I sure love to reread my baby book and look at the pictures.
Work March 2020 Goals
- Blog Posts Written (I want to get as many done or at least started for when baby comes and I’ll have less time to work, got to enjoy those baby snuggles!)
- Blogging Courses (I have some courses that I have purchased but haven’t finished. It has been great spending a little time each month going through them and becoming more educated about what I’m doing or want to do.)
- Build up my Business– this month is Pinterest (There are soooo many things that I need/want/should do to help build my business. Each month I work hard and this month is no exception.)
Tip of the Month
Last month my tip was to have you write out a detailed plan of your goal. Now that it is written out you need to plan time to get started. I like to plan a day and/or time to start on my goal.
Write it on your calendar, put a reminder in your phone, tell someone who will keep you accountable. Then when the date or time comes you just need to DO IT!
If you never plan a time to do it, chances are it won’t get done. Some ideas:
- Same day every week can be your project day
- Set a timer for 10 minutes and just work. You might want to keep going after that timer goes off.
- Pick a time with the least amount of distractions. And don’t let texts, phone calls, notifications, etc. get you to stop.
Hope you have a blast thinking of you March 2020 goals. Please let me know what your goals are and how they are coming along in the comments.
I hear you on the phone pics! I usually take 3-4 shots of the same pose so I have lots of duplicates. I now have a March goal to clean out my phone. Thanks!
Yay!! I’m happy you wanted to do the phone pic goals. Good luck!! The struggle is real! 😆
I love that you are goal oriented. You’ve inspired me to set some goals for March. The most important – finish our bathroom remodel that we started two years ago! We only need crown and baseboard molding. We have it, just keep letting life get in the way! Thank you for the inspiration.
That is an awesome goal! You should share pictures when you’re done!! And a huge thank you for such kind words. 💕
Great job writing your goals down and making them happen. You inspired me to list mine out.
Oh Sarah! That makes me smile! Thank you and good luck on your goals! 😊
Sounds like you’re getting through your goals. That’s great. Pictures are always a mess. Lol. I sometimes take random 10 minutes here and there to go through mine.
Thank you!! I just keep adding more to my pictures and not cleaning them up fast enough. 😂
It’s great to have achievable goals. We list our goals for the week and work up from there. Most of the time we get it done but the key is not to get too discouraged if things done get finished.
That’s such good advice! I used to get upset with myself but have learned to just let it go.
This past month, I cleaned up my phone gallery too! This kind of thing requires a higher level of dedication, LOL!
Haha!! That’s so true! Way to go to clean out your pictures. 🙂
I am glad you can do all your to-do lists and goals each month. You reminded me that I have to go through my pictures and delete those I don’t need. Yes, Pinterest is one of the things I want to work on more this month of March too.
Thanks! Some months I get them done and others I don’t. 🙂 Good luck on your phone pictures and Pinterest!