July 2019 Goals

July 2019 Goals and June Recap

Do you have your July 2019 goals ready? Here are my July goals and some helpful hints to keep you on track with your goals. Let’s get started!

If you read my June 2019 goals and May recap then you will know that there was not much accomplished in way of goals those two months. So this time I will mostly focus on my July 2019 goals.

Also, if you read my last post, I was and still am totally fine that I didn’t get much done the last two months. July is a new month and I get to start fresh. Woohoo! Who else is excited with me?

June 2019 Recap

My personal goals were:

  • Random finishes (my office, garage, and yard)
  • Laundry room
  • Master bedroom

The yard and office are pretty much status quo. We will be working on them this summer. The garage is getting much closer to being done. Eddy worked hours in there the other day.

The laundry room and master bedroom still need to be worked on. Eddy did go through his clothes. So that was nice to have s small start on the closet and dresser.

July 2019 Goals

This will come as a huge surprise and shock….I may have the same goals that I have had the past couple months. Haha! It’s probably no shock at all. Drum roll…. my July 2019 goals are:

  • Random Finishes
  • Laundry Room
  • Healthy Snacks

Random Finishes

I have the same three random rooms or parts of rooms that need to be finished from awhile ago. Due to weather, termites, having morning sickness, and super busy schedules we did not get these things finished.

But July is the month!!

July 2019 goals

The first room is my office. I had to move everything out when we had our termite “pets”. Everything went into the playroom next door. Because of this we haven’t let our kids play in the playroom.

I have vacuumed and cleaned the room, added my desk and bookshelf back in. Now I need to go through all of the boxes, bags, and random stuff that got shoved into the room. Then I get to set everything up in a functional way.

I have big plans for everything I need to keep in there. We’ll see how far the space will go. It will be nice to have a dedicated work space and place to house my crafting/sewing stuff.

The next area is the yard. We really just have a few things left to do in our yard. Nothing that has to be done. But it will be nice to have it done and it will be fun for the kids.

And lastly, our garage. Eddy was working on getting the home gym set up. We still need to assemble the squat rack and hang the punching bag. We will need to adjust a few things after that. But the gym is mostly done!

After the gym gets finished we have some tools to finish organizing. And of course we have the random little things that we need to take care of. It is such a far cry from what it has been. It already looks so much better.

Laundry Room

I am excited to tackle our laundry room/mudroom/half bathroom. So many things smashed into one little space. So far we have made it work. It can get crammed at times. But I’d much rather have these three spaces then not have them at all.

Ten points if you can find me… Haha

Our laundry room needs a good cleaning! Then I will do the usual: decluttering, organizing, and someday decorate a bit. I still plan on setting a budget for decorating once the whole house is decluttered, organized, and ready.

Healthy Snacks

I’m pretty sure this is try number 3… Haha! Third times the charm, right? Well, I am determined to accomplish this goal this month. I have started a new workout. I am also focusing on my nutrition.

So the goal of healthy snacks just fits perfectly into my July 2019 goals. I sat down on Sunday evening and made my monthly meal plan, grocery list, and found some healthier meals with more protein.

Then after I did my grocery pickup and my kiddos were in bed I did some meal prep for the week. this included making my first healthy snack, protein balls.

Then each week I will find and make a new healthy snack. I am excited about this. If you have awesome healthy snacks that you love, send the recipe my way for me to try. 🙂

Work Goals

This month I just have two work goals. They are big goals but I am hopeful that I will get them done this month.

  • July blog finished by July 10th- This will help me plan for future months and help with my second goal.
  • This is a surprise… heehee! I know so annoying but I want to get this done before I spill the beans. 🙂

That is it folks! What goals do you have for July? What are your plans for accomplishing your goals?

I want you to remember that you can be successful. Here are some guidelines to help you.

  • Set 1-3 goals at a time
  • Make a plan for each goal, write it down
  • Set a time frame for each goal, make it realistic- not too long or short
  • Tell others about your goals, this will help you be more accountable for yourself
  • If it is a huge goal, make mini goals to help to get to the big picture
  • Stay positive and know that sometimes things happen and you don’t reach your goals. IT IS OKAY!! Try again!

Who else is excited to start on our July 2019 goals? I am!! Let’s do this and help each other.

Xoxo, Steph

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  1. Whoa Girlboss, you’ve got some ambitious goals!! Moving forward is always progress, and it sounds like thats what you’ve been up to! I love that you sat down and planned meals on a Sunday night…I always find that kind of thing helpful for the week (or month!) ahead! Keep up the great work!

    1. I might have dug myself in a hole… haha! But, how awesome will it be if I do get everything done?
      I love/hate meal planning. But it’s always better when it’s done. Thank you!! You do the same!

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