Go To Voicemail: Sunday Motivation
Have you ever had something in the past come calling? Today’s quote is about letting it go to voicemail. If you don’t need it, let it go.
Good Sunday morning to you all! Have you ever had something in the past come calling? Today’s quote is about letting it go to voicemail.

I love this quote and thought! So what happens if something from your past comes calling? If it doesn’t need to be dealt with then why bother?
If it is something that will only bring up bad feelings or bring you down, then why let it come up? It can be ignored or let it fly away.
Let’s take it a step further and think of things from the past that you are holding onto. Why are you holding on? Is it something that can be let go? Well, then let’s let it go!
I challenge you to think of one or two things that are weighing you down. Over the course of this week let’s all try to let them go to voicemail. Good luck!
Xoxo, Steph
Here is last week’s Sunday Motivational.