Finding My Morning Routine And 4 Steps to Help You Find Yours
Have you thought about adding or changing your morning routine? I am in the process of doing that and I share 4 tips to help you get started.
For years, not true, my whole life, I have said I’m not a morning person. I do not like getting out of bed. I am not a happy person most mornings. Every side of the bed is the wrong side of the bed. HA! I was in DESPERATE need of a new and improved morning routine.
This has been a long time coming. I have “tried” a few times. But let’s be honest, they were pretty lame attempts. For one of my April goals I decided that I needed to focus on a better morning routine.
Up until a few days ago I still hadn’t done much at all. I was walking and listening to a talk when some inspiration came to me. I decided a few things that I wanted to do each morning:
- meditate or morning yoga
- walk or workout
- pray
- read something motivational or inspirational

One of my awesome sisters had sent me two articles about waking up earlier and morning routines. I finally started reading them and they are gold!
The first is from Chris Winfield. Go read it to find out some secrets to waking up early. I have now read a few articles that he has written. I really like what he has to say. I may need to add to or change my short list of my rough morning routines.
The other article is also about waking up early, giving 4 awesome ideas to help. Some I never thought about. I will be implanting some ideas from this article for sure. You should also read this one.
The next day I started my quest to wake up earlier and have a better morning routine for a better day. While I am trying to nail down what I will do each morning I am going to start waking up earlier.
7:00 am is my goal this week. I know that that is sleeping in for many people. But like I said, I REALLY like my sleep and my bed. 🙂 Next week I will try for 6:30 or stick with 7:00…
Why am I trying to find my morning routine?
When you are plagued by depression and anxiety you try to do everything in your power to keep those demons at bay. Starting my day better, each and every day, is going to help me stay happier all day long.
Why wouldn’t I want to start my day better? Why wouldn’t I want to wake up, have a plan, and be productive? This is another step I am taking in my journey to make me the best version of myself that I can.
So YOU want to join in on the fun of getting up earlier?
I’m so glad you want to join me! 🙂 It’s going to be a party! Maybe a grumpy one for a bit….but we’ll get there. LOL
Before you start getting up early you need a plan and a why. Humor me and take a few minutes to answer the following questions.
- Why do you want to get an earlier start to your day?
- How will it benefit you to get up earlier?
- What do you want to do first thing in the morning?
- Do you want it to be a morning routine? Or some free time to start your day?
- Will you plan on doing the same thing every morning or rotate days?
- Do you want to be alone or have a partner in crime?
- Do you have any other thoughts or questions? Go ahead and write them now.
Now that you have put more thought into your why let’s focus on a plan.
- Write down what you want to accomplish in the mornings.
- Work backwards from when you need to be done with your morning routine and make a timeline.
- Take about a month to slowly get your body used to waking up earlier.
- Tell someone about your plan and let them know how it is going.
Write Down What You Want to Accomplish in the Mornings
I strongly feel that a new idea without a plan is just an idea. When we take the time to plan it out, write and think about all the little details then it is easier to follow through.
Now, this plan is not the end all. It can change and progress as you do. This will be a starting point. You may be in a few months and realize your plan is lacking something or needs a change.

I suggest you take a few minutes to think and then write down what you want to do each morning. You can be as detailed or vague as you want. Display your morning routine in a place where you will see it. This will help you get and stay excited about it, remember your plan, and keep you focused in the mornings.
Work Backwards From When You Need to be Done With Your Morning Routine and Make a Timeline
In an ideal world my children would all sleep until 7:30 or at least stay in their rooms and not need anything until 7:30. So we will use this as an example, wishful thinking… 😉
So 7:30 is the time I need to be done with my morning routine. Here is a rough time estimate for the 4 things I mentioned above (they may change as I continue making my plan but it will be helpful as an example).
- meditate or morning yoga – 10 minutes
- walk or workout – 20-50 minutes
- pray – 2-5 minutes
- read something motivational or inspirational – 10ish minutes
This gives me an hour and 15 minutes at the very longest and 42 minutes at the shortest. I plan to do the same things in the same order every morning. Then on the days that my hubby is home from work I may have a longer version where I add to my list.
So I am going to focus on the shorter routine of 42 minutes. Call me crazy but 42 minutes is driving me crazy so I am going to round up to 45 minutes. Haha!
In order for me to get everything done I will need to be up and ready by 6:45. My schedule would look something like this:
- 6:45-6:55- 10 minutes of meditation or yoga
- 6:55-7:00- 5 minutes to pray
- 7:00-7:10- 10 minutes of reading something inspirational or motivational
- 7:10-7:30- 20 minutes of walking
- 7:30- The craziness starts with my kiddos.
Take About a Month to Slowly Get Your Body Used to Waking Up Earlier
Chris Winfield wrote that he started cold turkey waking up earlier. He mentioned he was super tired for almost a month and lived on a ton of coffee. He suggested taking a week at a time to wake up a little earlier.

So that’s what I am going to do. This week I plan to wake up at 7:00. Then next week I will wake up at 6:45. It shouldn’t take me too long (fingers crossed) since I am not waking up too much earlier.
For anyone wanting to wake up a few hours earlier you can follow a schedule similar to this:
- Week 1: wake up at 7:00
- Week 2: wake up at 6:30
- Week 3: wake up at 6:00
- Week 4: wake up at 5:30
You can do increments of 15 or 30 minutes. You can do this!
Tell Someone About Your Plan and Let Them Know How it is Going
Have you heard that having a partner or someone you can report to will help you be more successful? Well, it’s true! Find someone you can tell all about your plan. Keep that person updated regular on your progress.

You never know, maybe they will be inspired to start their own morning routine. Or at least start asking you about your progress.
As I keep researching and thinking about my morning routine I will keep you updated. I would love to hear what your plans are. And tell me if you already have an awesome sauce morning routine! Good luck and happy mornings to each of you!