What You Can Do: Sunday Motivation
Raise your hand if you have ever stopped doing something because you couldn’t do it? ME! ME! And oh boy, it was a shame. So what can you do?
Raise your hand if you have ever stopped doing something because you couldn’t do it? ME! ME! And oh boy, it was a shame. So what can you do?
Well, John Wooden says it best…

This just makes me think that those things I couldn’t do were not good enough anyways. Ha! But really this gives us the power to let those negative thoughts fly away. We can move on and focus on better things.
Things that we CAN do. I mean, don’t we want to spend our time doing things that we will be successful at? Sure, I get it is good for us to fail sometimes.
I’m not saying to never try something new or give up on something you are close to doing or figuring out. What I am saying is there is no use fretting on the fact that I will never be a great singer. I can do other things.
Having different strengths and talents is what makes all of us unique. It would be so very boring if we all have beautiful voices and could run the same speed.
So, what can you do? Simple, you keep being your beautiful, wonderful self. You keep doing the things that make you happy. While your at it, keep trying new things too.
Just remember that if you can’t do those new things it is okay to stop and focus on the things you can do. Let’s have a brag session, shall we? I want to know some things that you are awesome at!
Xoxo, Steph
Again, here is last week’s Sunday Motivation. Hope you have a very splendid day and week!