Super Fun and Easy Earth Day Project for Kids
With Earth Day coming up I’m digging up a super fun and easy Earth Day project for kids from my teaching days. Come see what it is!
Earth Day is coming up and you are in luck! I have the BEST activity for you to do with your children or students. This super fun and easy Earth Day project for kids will help teach your children about Earth Day. At the same time they will have fun, get to write, and practice their art skills.
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Why should you take some time to teach your children about Earth Day? In my opinion we all need to pitch in and help make Earth a better place. This starts with us and teaching our children when they are young. It all started with the book, The Earth Book.
Sneak Peak of The Earth Book

The Earth Book Pros
The Earth Book Cons
The Earth Book review
The Earth Book is a to the point, teach your children how and why to take care of the earth. Your children and students will love the bright illustrations and great ideas they will get from this book.
Now it’s time to get to the super fun and easy Earth Day project for kids!
Supplies Needed for the Super Fun and Easy Earth Day Project for Kids
- The Earth Book – You can buy it through the link or check to see if your local library hase it.
- Black marker or pen
- Pencil
- Tape or glue
- Scissors
- Blue paper or cardstock (you can pick any color and size you want)
- Old newspaper (precut into strips if you want)
- Old paper (it can be printed on one side)

Step 1: Introduce Topic
Ask children if they know what Earth Day is. Try to get out what they know about it. Teach and fill in any gaps that they left. Read the book, The Earth Book, out loud to the children. As you read, talk about what it happening and what they are learning. After reading: ask children about their favorite parts, what they learned, and what they can start doing to help the Earth.
Step 2: Brainstorm One Idea
This is where you are going to try to get the kids to think of one simple thing that they can do to help the earth. Some examples are: turn the water off when they wash their hands or brush their teeth, not use paper plates, use both sides of the paper, look for garbage to throw away, recycle things, etc.
You also get to think of one thing that you can do. You are going to model for the kiddos how to do this super easy and fun Earth Day project for kids! This will help them to SEE what they can do. After everyone has had a chance to brainstorm their idea share the ideas out loud to one another or in one large group.
Step 3: Writing Your Idea
This is going to look different depending on the age and ability of your kiddos or students. I’m going to use my own kiddos as examples: I have a kinder, 2nd grader, and 4th grader that will take this seriously. My 4 year old might, but she might also just draw. And that is okay!
You will need a pencil and the blank side of a USED paper. This is where you are going to write down your idea of one thing you can do to help the earth. Hint, using an already used paper is one way…
Example: I can help the earth by recycling cardboad boxes and paper I don’t need. Spelling doesn’t need to be perfect! Look for capitals, spacing between words, and punctuation. Once your kiddos or student’s sentence looks good give them a black marker or felt pen to trace their sentence or rewrite it on another scrap paper.
Step 4: Drawing Your Idea
Now we get to draw a picture to match our sentence. This is when you will need your blue (or whatever color paper you chose),and black pen or marker. Model drawing a picture to match your sentence on your blue paper. Model and instruct them to leave a space on the bottom or top of the page blank. It will be needed in the next step.
Step 5: Put Your Page Together
This could be one of the best parts! Putting each page together. You will need glue or tape, the picture page, the writing page, and old newpaper. Rip or cut a strip of newspaper long enough to cover the blank space on your colored page (picture page). Glue it in the blank space. You can add another one if you want. Then take your written page and bubble cut out your picture and sentence. Bubble cutting is cutting closely around your words or picture but leaving a little bit a space around it. Then glue it onto the newspaper strips or anywhere on your color page. By gluing onto the strip of used newpaper it helps to make a fun background for your sentence and picture.

If you or your children want to add any cut out newspaper to your picture now is the time to do it. Keep everything on one side of the color paper. This will make it easier when you move to step 6.
Step 6: Put It All Together
Gather up everyone’s pages and put them together to make a book. As a group or class read the book out loud. You can talk about the ideas you learned from other people’s work.
When I was teaching I would put this book in our class library. We had a book tub that was class books. My students loved reading the books we made together as a class. It is a great way to get them excited to write, illustrate, and then read all of their hard work.
Being totally honest right now, I loved to laminate things when I was teaching. It helped to make things last longer. This was no expection when we made books. A lot of the time I laminated them. I know that lamination is not great for the earth. It was great to keep the books better throughout the year. And at the end of the year we would do a drawing and every child would get to keep and take a class book home.

My classroom was room 32. 🙂 We did this as a class. Then I put the directions and supplies in a center for students to do independly if they wanted to.
As we get closer to Earth Day we can help teach our children and studens why we need to respect our earth. With this darling children’s book, The Earth Book, we can start (or continue) the discussion about what we can do to help our earth and reasons WHY we should want to help our earth. After reading this awesome book, I have outlined a super fun and easy Earth Day project for kids that will help you all get more in the spirit of helping our earth. At the same time you will get to write, draw, and read. What’s not to love about this??
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Xxx, Steph