Sunday Motivation: Life and Hope
SharePinTweetFor two years now I have started some of our vegetable garden by seeds in my house. The first year I was pregnant, morning sickness anyone? BLA! It was all…
For two years now I have started some of our vegetable garden by seeds in my house. The first year I was pregnant, morning sickness anyone? BLA! It was all I could do to get up to go to the bathroom.
So forget about watering my seeds. Needless to say MANY of them dried up and died. I was bummed. My hope for a booming garden was dying along with my plants.
We did have enough plants survive that we had enough vegetables in our garden to feed us and many others. The other plants I bought from the store, so of course those ones did great.
Last year I also had many plants not make it. I didn’t have as good of an excuse to not take better care of my plants. I had hoped to have enough plants to fill our garden and share with others.
My hope dwindled as many of my plants died. I wasn’t sure how many of them would do so I bought some of the same plants. We have tomatoes and zucchini coming out of our ears!
What does my seeds and garden have to do with today’s quote? Well take a read. 🙂

How true is this? When we have life our hope can reach new heights. Does this mean that we can only have hop when something or someone is living? Oh heck no!
When I see life in my blog I have hope. The life I’m talking about is going to look different. It may be accomplishing a lot on one day. Or making connections with other bloggers.
Let’s take a look at exercise. When I see life in my workouts I begin to have more hope. When I finish a spin class. When I am able to stretch a little deeper in a yoga pose. Or finding something isn’t as hard as it once was.
I would love for you too take away hope from today’s quote. Take hope that you can find life in everything. Take hope that even little success will begin to spark hope and grow to bigger successes.
I hope you can see the life in at least one thing today and feel the hope.