Hospital Bag: 12 Things Every Pregnant Minimalist Needs
Are you heading to the hospital soon to deliver your baby? Here are 12 things every pregnant minimalist needs in their hospital bag.
So, you’re about ready to head to the hospital to have that sweet bundle of joy?!? I’m so excited for you. This is such an amazing time. While there are many posts that tell you your must haves to bring to the hospital I’m going to share my 12 minimalist list of things you need to take with you in your hospital bag.
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I’m not sure about you but I like to have things planned out and prepared. I like to be able to take one bag and not have a bunch of stuff that I ended up not needing that was wasting space.
This is round 5 for me. I have been around the block. So here is my 12 things that every pregnant minimalist needs in their hospital bag.
12 Things Every Pregnant Minimalist Needs in Their Hospital Bag
Birthing/Labor Items
Some people get really into this and bring a lot of things. I was never one of them. For our first pregnancy and labor we took a birthing class. I felt that really prepared both my hubby, Eddy, and I really well mentally.
We ended up not bringing anything to help with the labor. I labored at home until I had some spotting. Then once we got to the hospital we didn’t have much time. I did spend a few minutes in the tub, which was HEAVENLY.
The rest of my labors went pretty fast once things got started. Someday I’ll write up each of my birth stories.
Some ideas you can bring if you want are:
- music
- big exercise ball
- oils
- book
- something to help calm and comfort you
Personal Items
I gather an extra toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, face wash, face lotion, chaptstick, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and any meds I normally take into a little bag. If you don’t know much about me know that I hardly wear makeup and certainly don’t care when I’m in the hospital.
Here are some great kits that have all of the essentials all ready for you.
- 21 piece kit
- 10 piece all natural kit
- 20 piece men’s kit
- Herbal Essences Deluxe Kit
- Bag only with a hanging hook
The hospital should have soap in the bathroom and shower. They are going to have pads, and any items along those lines for you. So don’t worry about bringing them. If this is your first time, they are different from what you might think. 🙂
Now, if you have more of a skin care routine and want to have all of the things you normally do then certainly bring them. This list for personal items is the bear minimum. You might also not want to be standing for too long after giving birth, so keep that in mind.
Each post labor is different. There have been times I’m super hot. And then there were times I got really cold. Be prepared with a jacket. One that is easy to put on and off. My favorite one is my gray zip up jacket.
It was perfect, was because I’ve had it 8 years and loved the heck out of it. It’s really holey and I can’t find one that I like the same.
What I love about this jacket: no hood to mess with, zip up (easy access to the milk makers), pockets, long enough sleeves, comfy, and matches pretty much everything.
They will give you socks but I’m not the biggest fan of them. And I’d like to change them daily. Bring a few pairs of your favorite socks to keep your toes nice and warm.
You might as well be able to look at some fun socks like these ones.
Nursing Bra
A nursing bra is really nice to have just in case you feel like putting a bra on. Most of the time I don’t. But there are times it was nice to have one. I’m not talking about a for reals bra. Let’s get us as comfortable as possible….
I’m talking about a sports nursing bra. If you don’t have any then go get yourself at least one. You can thank me later. 🙂 Here are some you might like.
Comfy Clothes For You
I just might be really weird but I kind of like the ease of the hospital gowns. Easy to nurse in, easy to get on and off, and easy to get comfortable in. I bring an outfit that is super comfy for me to come home in. Yep, just one.
I just don’t see a need to get dressed up or change my clothes (I do change the hospital gowns). For heavens sakes I just pushed a baby out of me. Comfortable is what I want.
Phone Charger
You WILL be on your phone a lot. From sharing you awesome news to those you love, talking, and FaceTiming. You might also need to fill some time with whatever you like to do on your phone. So make sure you have your phone charger in your hospital bag.
Laptop and Charger
This one goes along with your phone charger. You might like to have a laptop or iPad to watch some of your favorite shows, get some work done, or keep in contact with others.
This is one item that you probably can’t keep in your hospital bag. You might need to remember to put it in on your way to the hospital.
Camera or Camcorder
Some people really like to use the awesome equipment that they have. With our first two babies we didn’t have smart phones. So we brought our camera and camcorder.
Now that we have iPhones we just use those. It cuts back on the extra stuff we need to carry with us.
Personal Items For Your Partner
Your spouse or partner may or may not be spending a lot to not a ton of time with you at the hospital. Make sure you have personal items for them in your hospital bag.
Things like: toothbrush, meds, and any other bathroom things that you did not already pack. It never hurts to be prepared. Eddy spends different amounts of time with me at the hospital after each birth.
Change of Clothes For Your Partner
Again, you want to make sure your biggest supporter is comfortable as well. They may be spending more time at the hospital and at weird times then they first thought.
Throw in a change of clothes in your hospital bag for your loved one to help them be comfortable with you at the hospital.
And last….
Coming Home Outfit For Your Baby
I know many people who bring darling outfits for their new babies for everyday. I just don’t want to have to pack that much. And what if you have a smaller or larger baby then expected? The hospital has shirts and blankets for your love.
I have one coming home outfit for each gender. All of my girls have worn the same outfit. While I love that they get to share that, I also didn’t think about who would get it… oh well. 🙂
Keep in mind the time of year you will be delivering and make sure your coming home baby outfit matches that season. Then pack that super cute coming home outfit into your hospital bag.
Bonus!!!!!! Car Seat
Do you know you will not be able to take your brand new darling baby home unless you have an infant car seat installed into your car? Not only that but your baby needs to be properly strapped into the car seat before they let you walk out of the labor and delivery floor.
So you will want to find a certified car seat tech to have them help you install your infant car seat. Then after the baby is born and you are getting ready to leave the hospital make sure you have the car seat (leave the base installed in your car) in your room with you.
We don’t bring it up because it doesn’t fit into your hospital bag and it’s just not necessary until you are going home. Here is a link to the upgraded infant car seat we have now. The one we have is not available anymore. It is our second one. Our first one is similar to this one, we also loved it but it expired so we needed to buy an new one.
I’d highly recommend either of them.
Okay, are you feeling more prepared and ready to delivery that cute bundle of joy? I sure hope you are!
Are there other things you feel need to be in your minimalist hospital bag? If so, please share in the comments. 🙂
Xxx, Steph