February Goals 2019
January is almost over and that means I get to plan and make my February goals! What goals do you have for February?
In my Let’s Plan For A Great Year I shared that I am going to be making goals each month. This is much more attainable and realistic for me. I also shared here how I am simplifying my goals. So without further adieu here are my February goals!
Personal Goals
- Master Bathroom
- Fill out my daily motivator on a daily basis
- Be consistent with Yoga Burn
- Individual dates with each of my kids
Master Bathroom
As I have mentioned I am going to focus on one area of my house each month. I deliberately picked my master bathroom for a few reasons. I usually pick things that are for myself last. So this time I thought, I am going to be selfish and pick me first. 🙂
I also wanted a small space to do. I need to start off with something that I really could do in one day. This is a little trick to make sure I will be successful. It will also help me to be motivated to keep going with the next space.

So what will I do when I get this done, you ask? I am not sure. I have thought about going onto the next area, working on the playroom and garage since they are such big projects. Or maybe I won’t do anything until March. You’ll just have to wait and see. 🙂
I have a detailed list of things I need to deep clean, organize, and declutter. I will do this on a day Eddy has off. He’ll take the girls to do something fun. Mr. E will be in school. I’ll get a few hours of uninterrupted time. Win, win! I can’t wait to get started!!!
Fill Out My Daily Motivator on a Daily Basis
In order for me to stay with something like this I need to “schedule” a time to do it and make it a part of that routine. For me night will be the best time. I listen to music or church things when I am getting ready for bed. You know brushing my teeth, washing my face, etc. Then before I climb into bed I will sit in my super comfy chair and fill out my daily motivator.

One of my goals for the year was to get a better amount of sleep. And to try to go to bed and wake up at the same time on most days. I am in an awful habit of wasting time on my phone after I get in bed.
I have been trying to plug my phone in before I get in bad. Even though it is literally right next to me while I lay in bed. I am much less tempted to play around when it has been plugged in.
Be Consistent with Yoga Burn
I have been getting into yoga lately. And let me tell you! I love it! I have noticed my body feeling better. My breathing has slowed down sometimes, on it’s own. It’s pretty amazing.
My super smart sister (ok, they are all smart) looked into which yoga program would be awesome. She decided on Yoga Burn and bought the program. She wasn’t able to do it due to hurting her wrists. So she gave it to my other sisters and I.

I haven’t made it out of the first DVD yet and it’s been over a month… Each DVD is for one month. You do yoga three times a week. At least as far as I know, that’s how it goes. I really like it. I just need to stay consistent with it.
Individual Dates With my Kiddos
Eddy and I had our January dates planned out. It sure was FUN! At the beginning of each month we will plan out our dates. That means picking the dates and times, deciding what to do, and getting babysitters.

This month I want to make it possible to go on a date with each of my kiddos. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy or cost money. I just want to spend one on one time with each of them.
Work Goals
- Go through a WordPress class I have waiting for me to start and finish
- Plan out and work on March posts
- Focus on Instragram

For now I’ll just write my work goals and not go into detail. If you would like me to, just say the word. 🙂
What goal do you have for February? What have you found to help you be successful at working on and completing your goals? Good luck this month! I know we can all have a good and successful month. We need to think positively and take baby steps.
I’m glad you like Yoga Burn!!! Yay! My February goal was to clean out my closet – and I did it today! I also did my January goal of cleaning out the inside of my car. Better late than never.
Awesome job Lara! I want to see your closet. 🙂 I bet it feels good to have both of those places cleaned.