5 Reasons Why Being Pregnant Is Amazing
Being pregnant can be pretty amazing! Read to find out 5 reasons I think being pregnant rocks.
There are a lot of good and bad when it comes to being pregnant. Today I’m going to focus on the good, in fact 5 reasons why being pregnant rocks.
Blaming Everything on Pregnant Brain
It is so nice to have a reason to be a space cadet. It is wonderful to just blame all of the silly, weird, dumb things on being pregnant. Am I right? The ability to lose track of what I’m saying in the middle of a word is incredible. I just pause and say, “Shoot, I don’t know what I was saying.” And then I get to laugh it off. Forgot the butter at the store, again? Well, just chalk it up to pregnant brain. You had the energy to get up and walk into the kitchen. But, then you stop and look around, because you have no idea what you needed to get. You think, if I go back to where I was before maybe it will come to me and I will remember. No such luck. It’s just gone. But, hey, that’s okay. This little “gift” will keep on giving after you have the baby. You can blame it on being up all night long, I’m so tired, I don’t remember the last time I slept or showered or brushed my teeth kind of tired.
There is so much to remember in life and I feel like the most important things are the things that get left behind. There are outfits that I got while I was pregnant with my first more then 6 years ago that I remember who gave them to me. What? Why? It doesn’t matter! But for the life of me I can’t remember some very important things. My fingers are crossed that when I’m not pregnant anymore those things will come back to me again. But in the meantime I’m going to soak up all the forgetfulness and blame it on being pregnant.
Excuse to Be Lazy If I Want to/Eating for Two
I didn’t always think this way. I know that I shouldn’t think this way, buuut…. During this pregnancy I have been the most active. I felt like I needed to because I wasn’t working and moving as much. I have a gym membership and I wanted to try to stay in as good of shape as I could. This all came to a crashing halt about a month ago. I was going to spin classes (trust me, so much easier for me then walking!) and lifting weights at home, but I still ate what I wanted, when I wanted. I always try to eat healthy. I love produce and usually get a fair amount of it. With the holidays quickly approaching and all the yummy treats I just can’t help myself! I have it in my mind that once I have this babe and get through the holidays that Hubby and I are going to start eating much cleaner and do it together. This will be total news to him… haha! This thinking has given me the okay to eat treats many times a day, have ice cream stocked in the freezer, buy that bag of Holiday Mint M&Ms and eat the whole bag in a few days, make a batch of cookies with my littles, and just go crazy. I am the heaviest I have been in my life, and I don’t care! Take that scale!! I know it is going to take a lot of work but that’s okay because for now I’m going to shove whatever I want in my mouth and smile while I chew.
I can’t tell you how many times I ask my kiddos or Hubby to get me something. They may be sitting down or even in another room. The thought of getting up sounds like death! My favorite is saying to Hubby (while he is sitting next to me on the couch), “While you’re up will you get me…..” Haha! That sweet man will go get whatever I want, need, or at least think I need. I feel completely justified in asking people to get me things because getting up is HARD! Bending down is hard, picking a child up is hard, walking is hard, sitting down is hard., getting out of bed is hard (I really need a video of me getting out of bed so I can laugh at myself!). Pretty much everything is hard at this point. I also get a lot of Braxton Hicks. Two things usually happen: it hurts and I can’t move, then I will need to go to the bathroom. I have no problem being a lazy person right now!
Feeling The Baby Move
The first time I remember feeling my baby move during my first pregnancy was wonderful. I remember where I was, what I was doing, and remember thinking I just want this moment to stand still a little longer. There were times during all of my pregnancies that I was selfish and didn’t tell anyone about my baby moving. I just wanted it all for myself. Then there were times I grabbed Hubby’s hand and put it where baby was moving. Now I get to do this with my littles. Other times anyone looking in my direction would see the baby moving and jumping and making it seem like it was going to rip me open and hop on out. This is something I’m really going to miss; the flutters, the stretches, the jerks and kicks, and the way I got to know each of my babies inside me first before I got to know them outside in the real world. I find myself cherishing any and all movements my baby makes knowing, very well, that this could be the last pregnancy. That makes me sad.
Growing a Baby
Bodies are incredible! They truly are! From being able to get pregnant, to nurturing a baby, to labor and delivery. My mind is blown and I am speechless. My body is not the strongest but it has shown amazing amounts of strength and power when I have been pregnant. Not to mention labor and delivery. I have an app on my phone where I get weekly updates on the baby’s growth and development. Or at least what typically happens that week. It’s incredible to see what’s happening and how the baby might look. When I look at my children it still amazes me that I helped create that amazing being. My body grew, feed, and was a safe haven for that child.

Added Attention
This totally makes me sound like I love attention. I don’t. But when you are pregnant you get more people asking how you are feeling, what they can do to help you out, and getting excited with you about having a little human inside of you. Then come the strangers. Being pregnant is an instant silence breaker. People want to know when you are due, what you are having, and how many other children you have. It becomes a way to connect with someone, even if you never see them again. Those few minutes of chatting with a stranger about your pregnancy, even if it is the 37th time you have had the same conversation, can help brighten your day or the strangers day. I feel like people are more willing to keep the door open for me, give me a smile, and want to be helpful as my belly continues to grow. I get told to go put my feet up or don’t worry about doing things. It’s nice. It’s rewarding. And I certainly don’t get that from my littles. They are only 2, 3, and 5 so I guess I’ll give them some slack. 🙂
Becoming a Parent (Bonus)
Holding my baby for the first time, Oh my heavens! It truly is a magical moment. I really don’t think I can do it justice with words. As I’m typing my heart is just pounding and I feel like I’m floating on air. After working hard to push that baby out and then having my baby (that I have bonded with for the last 9 months) placed in my arms makes all the pain completely worth it! Having Hubby kissing us, crying with me, holding us as we meet our babe for the first time is amazing! Being a parent is hard. The hardest thing I have done. But it is honestly the BEST thing. The hugs, the smiles, the snuggles, reading, laughing, playing… It’s amazing.
Being pregnant has its ups and downs but when you stop and think about what is happening while you are pregnant the downs are just a drop in the bucket compared to the ups. I don’t think I would have said that during the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy though… 😉 But I totally can now.