Sunday Motivation: Magic of Christmas
This holiday season let us try to touch each other’s hearts as we bring the magic of Christmas to those around us. What wonderful things will happen as we do this.
The magic of Christmas can be found in many things. Some of those things are: music, lights, baking, giving gifts, parties, laughter, being with loved ones, and thinking about the reason for Christmas.

The quote today brings me joy when I think about how others have brought the magic of Christmas into my life. I’m forever grateful for friends and family who have lifted the heavy burden off of my shoulders.
They have done this in many ways. Even a smile can help on a hard day. Or a shoulder to cry on. Then there are the times they have watched my children, brought me food, listened to me talk, or randomly dropped something off to me. All of those things tell me that they love me. And in that instant my burdens have been lifted and my load has been lighter.
This holiday season let us try to be the joy in someones life. Let us be the reason for a lighter load for someone who is about to drop something. We can help fill a heart that is running empty. And let’s think of the best gifts we can give.
Thank you for filling me heart with joy and happiness. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season as we all try to bring out the magic of Christmas.