Free Workout Plan: Month Two
It’s here, month two in my Free Workout Plan. What are you waiting for? Open it up and let’s get ready to workout.
It’s here, month two in my Free Workout Plan. What are you waiting for? Open it up and let’s get ready to workout.
Week one is in the books. How did you do? I crushed it on some things and other areas I need to improve. I added a video of the lifts I’m doing this round.
Check out my Free Workout Plan that I am starting in a few days. Join me! Read to the bottom to get my exercise log and portion control containers log.
Do you procrastinate? I sure do. Today ended with a huge list of things to do because I had procrastinated. Read to see what I was not doing that needed to get done.
Here are the FREE printables for you to start simplifying your life right now. 19 pages of fun!
Do you have too much junk? Do you need to clear your head? Does your health need an overhaul? Keep reading for 3 steps you can start right now to simplify your life.