My Reason For Taking Antidepressants
My road to starting antidepressants was a long one. I didn’t want to have to take a pill. After this experience I knew it was time.
My road to starting antidepressants was a long one. I didn’t want to have to take a pill. After this experience I knew it was time.
Dreaming is a great thing. But dreaming at night and during the day are two different kinds of dreaming. What do you prefer, to dream by day or night?
For some reason I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It had been a few days of me being grumpy. I was over it. But, I just couldn’t get out of the funk.
What do you see when you look at a rose bush? The rose, the thorn, both? In our lives we get to choose what and how we see things. The choice can lead to two very different paths. What will you choose?
Is there something weighing you down and stopping you from flying? If you want to fly then you need to let it go and let yourself fly.
How does your heart feel when something awesome happens to you? How does it feel when you do something for someone else? What amazing things can be felt with the heart.