About Me

Welcome!! I’m super happy you have stopped by A Red Hair Girl. I’m Stephanie and I’m excited to share a bit about myself with you. When I’m new to a blog I head straight to the about me page so I can spy on the author a little bit. 🙂 I’m totally not a creeper just a curious person who wants to know more about the blog’s author. I hope to give you enough to keep you coming back to know more about my crazy little life.
First off, I’m a mom to five darling little kiddos. They are 10, 8, 6, 4, and 1.5 years. They keep me on my toes, which makes for one tired but happy momma, 5 kids in 8 years…
My Hubby and I have been together for 14 years, married 11, and loving what the world throws at us. I taught first grade for 9 years and have been a stay at home mom since I was pregnant with my third. I’m not going to lie, I still have to walk through the back to school isles and want to buy it all!
I have three awesome sisters. I have TEN brother in laws, so don’t feel too bad for me not growing up with any brothers, I’m have a sense of what it would have been like.

I have red hair. When I was little I hated my hair color because I got made fun of. I told myself that as soon as I was old enough I was going to dye it another color. Well, that hasn’t happened because I now love my hair color. Three of my babies have red hair and it makes me smile.
I love the color green and have for most of my life. I could eat ice cream for every meal and sometimes have, I’ve been on a kick of good ‘ol fashion chocolate lately.
I love to read but have to set aside lots of time because I can not put the book down. I’ve spent way too many nights reading all. night. long. The mountains are a calming place for me. I’m blessed to live in a place where the mountains are beautiful and very plentiful. Getting all comfy on the couch and watching a good show with my Hubby is one of my favorite things to do.
Growing up I was diagnosed with ADD in early elementary school. I have depression and anxiety which has gotten worse after each baby and pregnancy. I am learning how to live with these things and how I can use them to make me a better person. I’m hopeful through sharing my experiences; the good, the bad, and the ugly; that I can help others who have gone through or are going through some of the same things.
I am a positive person. I love life, love to be silly, and love to laugh. I’ll do my best to not sugar coat things because life is not sugar coated. I hope you stick around and learn to laugh at me with me through all my ups and downs.
Thanks for stopping by!
Contacting me is just a click away. 🙂